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Mary came home to George and the children watching tv. She put the groceries down on the counter and her husband got up from the couch. "Do you kids want any snacks from the kitchen?" Sheldon shook his head no, Missy wanted a moon pie, and Georgie said he wanted a honeybun. The man went to the kitchen and saw his wife putting food away. He grabbed their children snacks and laid them on the kitchen table. He stood behind Mary and she placed her two hands on the counter. "George.." She said underneath her breath and he licked his lips. He slid his hand under her dress and into her panties. George stuck his fingers into her wet pussy and the two of them watched their kids paying attention to the tv. "Don't make any noises." He said as he flicked his wife's clit with his other hand. Mary grabbed onto the counter tightly and bit her bottom lip. Her husband liked seeing her get undone, he could see her sweat forming and how red her face turned after he played with her clit in circles while fingering her with his other hand. "G-God.." She moaned quietly and that's when her legs started trembling. She tried fanning herself because she was getting hot, but it didn't work. She wanted him to take her right there and then. But he couldn't because that would probably traumatize their kids. George smiled as he watched as his wife's legs started to shake and it made him want more of her. But he was going to save it all for the bedroom. Mary held her hand to her mouth to block out any sounds that she was going to make and she orgasmed hard. Tears dropped down from her eyes and she felt George remove his hands off of her. He grabbed snacks while licking his fingers as he walked back to the living room leaving his wife alone in the kitchen blushing. "Dad, what are you sucking off of your fingers?" Sheldon asked while trying to look at his mom at the same time. "Just the cream from my honeybun." George says smiling as he winks at Mary.

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