Chapter 3: Truth/Adaptation

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Aiko POV

I begin to doubt of everything around me at this right moment, Time was like stopped, the only question which escaped my mind during those years Has finally came out.

“Ai's Real name"
I muttered under my breath.

If I could discover It, I will have another piece to find her child or... children.

But It was never shared publicaly neither before or After her death, there is something fishy behind that.

I couldn't remain still knowing that there is a slight possibility that the twins that I've just met today were in Reality the very own descendant of Ai.

But my suspicion grow bigger as I input every single details they shared.

“Both have this captiving aura like Ai, Ruby's hitting top spot when It cames to her appearance,they are both looking good although I shouldn't make early assumption"

Before trying to connect If they are not those children that she tried to Shield or not, I should dig Ai's true identity first and then proving It.

3rd person POV

Aiko sits alone in his dimly lit room, surrounded by stacks of papers, files, and photographs that he just sort out. The atmosphere is heavy with the weight of his determination and the shadows cast by his relentless pursuit of the truth. The walls are adorned with photos of Ai, a constant reminder of his mission.

His desk is cluttered with a computer, and various research materials. The soft glow of the desk lamp illuminates his face, accentuating the intensity in his eyes. A half-empty cup of cold coffee sits neglected beside him, a testament to his unwavering focus.

Aiko meticulously sifts through documents, cross-referencing dates, names, and locations again. His fingers dance across the keyboard, searching for anything that could unravel the mystery of Ai's true identity. The sound of his rapid typing echoes in the room, accompanied by the occasional frustrated sigh.

The walls are lined with notes, pinned and connected by threads, forming a complex web of information. Photographs of Aqua, Ruby, and Ai are scattered across his desk, their faces etched into his memory as he tries to piece together the puzzle.

As the hours turn into late nights, Aiko's determination grows stronger. He dives deeper into online forums, social media accounts, and news archives, meticulously dissecting every piece of information. The room becomes a sanctuary of dedication and obsession

Aiko leans back in his chair, a hint of admiration mixed with frustration on his face. He mutters to himself, "Ai, you really were a professional when it came to lies. Hiding your true name and identity from the world, leaving behind a trail of mysteries for me to unravel".

The pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place, and a chilling realization dawned upon him.

Ruby... Aqua... their resemblance to Ai, both in appearance and mannerisms, couldn't be dismissed as mere coincidence and without doubt,they were the Twins who were famous because of that video during Ai's live few years ago. Their presence in her life, their connection to Ichigo Production, and the secrets they held within themselves... it all pointed towards a deeper connection, a hidden truth.

Aiko contemplated the possibility that Ruby and Aqua were not just fellow students, but something more. The thought sent shivers down his spine, as he contemplated the implications. Could they be the missing link, the key to unraveling Ai's true identity?

His mind raced with questions and hypotheses. Were Ruby and Aqua, in fact, the children of Ai?

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on Aiko's shoulders. If his suspicions were true, it meant that Ruby and Aqua held the answers he had been seeking all along. They possessed the DNA, the memories, the secrets that could unlock the truth about Ai's identity.

Oshi No Ko : Light And ShadowOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz