Chapter 27 - Amigo

Start from the beginning

"Okuma, why did you bandaged yourself?". Asked Ayanokouji, looking at the state I was in. Kushida also can't help but look at my appearance, which piqued her curiosity.

"I was on war yesterday, a brutal one". I replied. No way in hell that I will tell them about my embarrassing failure. Which is why I decided to immediately change the subject.

"Anyways Ayanokouji, where is Sakura?". I asked, looking around to search for Sakura.

"We just got here, so we don't have any idea where she is".

It's been more than 5 minutes since the allotted time, and yet, Sakura didn't look like she will arrive at any given time. Did something happened?


Hearing that familiar voice, I turned around and saw a girl with a conspicuous get-up. She was wearing a big hat and a very thick face mask, as if she wanted other people to not notice her. But instead of avoiding attention, she seems to attract suspicion, standing her out even more.

"Sakura, since when did you come here?". I asked her. She flinched at my question before hunching back away in shame.

"B-Before you came here, Okuma-kun. I saw you when you entered the mall. B-But it seems that you didn't noticed me". She said as she looked away from me.

Well of course I didn't! Do you think that I would find you out immediately if you wear that kind of appearance? If she didn't calls us out, I might already suspect that something was wrong.

"It's fine. Let's just fix up that camera of yours". I said while I walk away ahead of them.

"Y-Yeah, sure".

She then walked towards my back. Ayanokouji and Kushida also followed suit towards the destination we have in mind.


Ayanokouji POV

When we are about to reach the repair counter in the electric shop, Okuma suddenly said that we should go there first. His reason is that something urgent sprung suddenly in his mind. Not minding it, we let him be and decided that we continue towards the store and entered it.

They sold a variety of items that are tech-related, such as the microphones, cameras, and headphones. They also sell screen protectors, mostly similar to the phones that were provided by the school, and many more.

As we take a look to the repair counter, a clerk sat there, fiddling with his phone with a deadpan expression. It seems like he wanted to kill time. But upon noticing us walking towards him, he turned off his phone and placed it back to his pocket, greeting us.

"Hello. Is there anything we can help you?".

"Actually, our classmate's camera was broken. We are wondering if you could fix it". I stated while gesturing Sakura to give her camera to me. She brought out her camera and placed it in my palm.

After giving it to the clerk, he unscrewed the corners of the camera and removed the case. He then inspected it with a magnifying glass, revealing the result to us.

"Well, there is a broken component on a certain area. But it can be fixed if it is replaced. Do you have any warranty?". Asked the clerk.

"H-Here". Sakura handed out a piece of paper, which highlighted a "5-year warranty" on the middle.

"You may fill up your personal information using this form. After two weeks, I can send the repaired camera directly to your dorm". He informed us before handing out a piece of paper.

Two weeks is a long time, but I guess it's better than not fixing it at all.

Sakura picked up the pen, but paused as she was about to write the form. She fidgeted, which concerns both of us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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