{Chaennie} - restricted (requested)

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Author's Note: this chapter contains possibly triggering content. Please don't read if that makes you feel uncomfortable. Thank you and I love you all!


"So, Y/N. What are you thinking about ordering tonight?" Your dad asked.

You're sitting in the middle of the crowded restaurant across from him and your brother.

Jennie and Rosé wanted to tag along tonight with you but unfortunately, things came up and they hadn't been able to.

You're not thrilled about being out with them tonight especially since you're on your own with them but you're putting on a brave face.

"I'm thinking either the spaghetti or the lasagna!" You said.

"Really?" Your brother chuckled. "Maybe you should settle for some salad or vegetables."

You swallowed the lump in your throat that appeared over his snickering and his harsh words.

"I don't know how you keep not one but two beautiful girlfriends when you look like you do." Your brother spoke as he sipped on his drink.

"Your brother isn't wrong. You should be more careful. You don't want to lose them. If I were them, I'd be having second thoughts about the relationship." Your dad said.

You teared up as the words left your dad's lips.

From when you were young, he and your brother have always been hard on you.

They've never been the kindest to you.

So it wasn't a surprise to you that they were saying the things they were, but it hurt nonetheless.

"Are we ready to order?" The waitress asked.

"I'll take a salad, please." You quietly said as the ache in your heart started.

The night came to an end a couple of long hours later.

You returned home to your girlfriends, who had just gotten home a few minutes prior.

"There's our girl!" Jennie grinned.

"Hey, sweet girl. How was dinner with your family?" Rosie asked.

You didn't want to tell them the truth.

You felt exhausted; mentally, emotionally, and physically.

You wanted nothing more than to crawl under the covers and cry yourself to sleep.

You felt insecure and heartbroken by the words from your dad and brother.

They lingered with you, as they always do.

They've always been hard on you but tonight they had been especially harsh.

And you're completely crushed.

So upset with everything that happened, you just sent them a smile and faked that everything was okay.

"Fine, I guess. I'm tired, I'm going to call it a night."

"Okay, baby. We'll be up in just a few." Jennie said.

She and Rosie watched you make your way upstairs and shared a worried look.

"Something's not right," Rosé said.

"Yeah. We'll talk to her about it in the morning." Jennie said. "For now, let's go give her some cuddles as she falls asleep."

"Okay." Rosie smiled and got up to go upstairs to bed with you.

The next day, things still seemed off.

Rosie and Jennie could see that something was very wrong.

You all sat down at the table for lunch together.

It's their day off and they wanted to enjoy it with you and what better way than with a nice lunch together?

They thought it'd be perfect.

But something just wasn't right.

You weren't eating much.

You were eating a little but it was your favorite food and you were hardly touching it.

It seemed as though you were almost restricting your food intake.

Your girlfriends watched you poke the food on your plate around with your fork.

Jennie cleared her throat, catching your attention.

"Is something bothering you, baby?"

You swallowed thickly before shaking your head.


"Y/N, you're lying. Something's not right." Rosie said as she placed her hand on yours. "What's going on?"

You set your fork down and fought the tears in your eyes.

"Last night... my dad and brother said some things."

"What did they say, baby?" Jennie frowned.

"They made fun of me for my body and my appetite. They told me I should be more careful when it comes to food or I might lose you two."

"What?" Rosie asked in shock.

"They don't know how I manage to keep the two of you around apparently. I guess I'm not good enough."

"No, don't say that, baby. You are good enough. You're more than good enough." Jennie said as she took your other hand.

"You keep us around because you treat us well and you love us, just as we love you." Rosie smiled.

"You're absolutely amazing, Y/N. I'm so sorry that your dad and brother made you feel differently." Jennie spoke.

"I just didn't want to eat because I thought maybe they were right. Maybe I'm not good enough and I should restrict myself more."

"No, baby, no. Not ever." Rosie said. "You're perfect just as you are. We don't want you to change anything about yourself."

"We'll love you no matter what. We don't care about what your body looks like. You're so much more than that." Jennie smiled. "You're beautiful, inside and out."

"And we're never going anywhere. We're not leaving you, especially not for someone else. We don't want anyone else, not ever. We love you, just the way you are."

They got out of their chairs and came to you to hug you tight.

"We love you so much," Jennie said.

"I love you both too." You sniffled. "Thank you."

"Don't thank us, darling. It's only the truth." Jennie said as she and Rosie squeezed you tightly.

They sat back down a moment later and scooted their chairs closer to yours.

"Will you please finish your food now?" Rosie smiled.

You immediately dug right into it and your girlfriends just smiled, happy to see you enjoying yourself again, as you deserved.

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