the traumatic tuesday - sh

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A random Tuesday becomes a traumatic one. 


"In for what?" A confused Nancy asked Steve.

"No parents, big house." Carol listed

Nancy discreetly rolled her eyes at Carol, something she thought no one noticed. However, Y/N did. But she didn't care, Carol deserves as many eye rolls as she can get.

"A party?" Nancy guessed, not very confident with the answer.

"Ding, ding, ding." Carol said sarcastically.

Y/N shot a glare her way but unlike Nancy's glance hers went unnoticed.

Or so she thought...

he noticed.

Steve watched the girl curiously, even though he and Nancy are dating, he'd had eyes for the Queen of Hawkins High for years.

Besides, The King of Hawkins High and The Queen of Hawkins High, do you see what I'm getting at?

"It's Tuesday..." Ms. Perfect said usually leaving school nights for study nights and weekends maybe, just maybe, for parties.

"'It's Tuesday', oh my god." Tommy laughed

"Don't pressure her, guys. If you don't want to go, Nancy, then you don't have to." Y/n commented not wanting Nancy to be pressured.

While most used to think that Y/N would be ruder like the people she hung out with, she was actually quite humble and polite.

Unfortunately, Nancy took that comment the wrong way.

"Oh no I'll definitely be going." She said glaring at Y/N standing awfully to close to Steve as he whispered a couple things in her ear making her blush slightly.

Little to Nancy's knowledge, Steve was whispering about how kind it was of Y/N to not pressure Nancy.

Y/N tucked a strand of hair behind ear in an awkward silence as she then ran off to her locker to "put some books away", we all know she was just trying to cover her face after it became warm from embarrassment.

She looked at herself in the mirror she had placed in her locker. Making sure she was not red she readjusted the polaroid photo of her and Steve which was taped to the mirror.

She shut her locker and leaned against it. The only thing she could think about was finding out what to wear to Steve's party.


"God damn it!"

Y/N paced around her room, all of her clothes were thrown out of her closet and onto her floor.

"You okay in there?" Her mom called from the kitchen.

"Mom! What do I wear?!" She asked in exasperation.

Her mom walked into her room and her eyes widened at the sight. Imagine a hurricane crashed into her room and then decided to come back for a second visit.

"Well for starters," her mom began to pick up some clothes, "Maybe narrow down your options." She then tossed a sweatshirt with a stain into Y/N's laundry basket.


After tucking her flannel shirt into her jean shorts, Y/N grabbed her signature jacket and kissed her mom goodbye while heading out the door.

The drive to Steve's house isn't very far and by the time she got her old walkman to work she already had pulled into Steve's driveway.

Y/N had noticed that no one was there other than the red BMW which she then recognized it as Steve's.

// joe keery imagines // (on hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now