"Do you have a photo?" She whispered. Hecat pointed Sebastian to the opposite side of the room, droning on about the dangerous spell: stupefy. She nearly laughed, before pinching herself. How was she and Sebastian going to explain their proficiency at it despite 'never using it.'

Imelda nodded and reached into her pocket, glancing up to check that Hecat wasn't looking. She handed Hazel a silver pocket watch. She clicked the button on the side, and the front swung open, revealing a photo.

The boy had brown hair with a tinge of red in it. He looked remarkably like Sebastian, his hair the same color and eyes the same shape.

"Stupefy!" Professor Hecat said, pointing her wand at Sebastian. He didn't attempt to resist, but simply stood as the spell hit him. He stumbled a bit, his wand nearly slipping out of his hand. He lifted a hand to his forehead, trying to get his bearings.

"Stupefy renders the victim unconscious for a limited or long amount of time. Using a weak hit will simply stun and render the victim disoriented for a minute. It's a powerful spell and one that I prefer students use compared to... some other spells. Stupefy causes no real damage." Professor Hecat said. Sebastian walked back to his seat and walked into the desk before Ominis grabbed his robe and pulled him into his seat.

"Looks like Sebastian." Hazel said lightly, passing the pocket watch back to Imelda. Imelda reddened and took another look at it before snapping it shut.

"He does, doesn't he?" She glanced behind her at Sebastian. His eyes flicked toward them and then back to Hecat. She dismissed them and Hazel said goodbye to Imelda and went over to Ominis.

"Goody-two shoes." Hazel teased Sebastian. He gave her a dirty look before gathering his things. She saw he had a slight smile on his face before he stood up again.

"I have detention again." He said, "See you guys later?" They both nodded and he stalked off to Mr. Moon.

"Alright. Shaking him off was much easier than expected." Ominis said, as they exited the classroom and began to walk toward the Grand Staircase. Hazel had told him she knew of a secret entryway into Hogsmeade. Students were only allowed to leave the castle grounds if a Professor allowed them (chances were slim, since professors only gave permission for 'needs' like potion ingredients or spellcrafts) or on the weekends.

"Dissendium." Hazel whispered, the word revealing the passageway. "It's the one eyed witch. Come." She helped Ominis climb into the narrow passageway before climbing in herself. It snapped shut behind them. They navigated through the tunnel before ending up in a basement of Honeydukes. They emerged quietly and went to the three broomsticks.

"I'm glad you got rid of his portrait." Ominis said, after noting the quietness of The Three Broomsticks. "Nosy git."

Hazel laughed. "I'm sure he's enjoying the Hog's Head. Two Butterbeers, please." Sirona came up to them and took their order. "Thank you."

They sat in silence for a moment. Hazel stared at the fireplace, bringing her memories back to Anne. "Anne's..." She tried to speak. How could she say something that was so obviously true, but would sting like a lie. "Anne is dying." She said, her voice distant and quiet. "She's dying, Ominis. She wouldn't tell me, but it's so obvious." Hazel placed her head in her hands. She heard Ominis take a quick breath.

"How bad is it?" He asked. Hazel shook her head.

"If we don't do anything... I'll give it until the end of the year." They both sat quietly, thinking, feeling.

"Should we tell Sebastian?" Ominis asked. Hazel rubbed her eyes.

"I don't know. If Anne wanted him to know, she would have told him."

The Second TrialTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon