The Dinner

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After bonding through dance, the queen sat everyone down, Yumehara and Jinn sitting next to her at the head of the table while Kaidou and Saiko sat beside them. They sat there for awhile waiting for the dinner to arrive.

"So, when is it going to get here?" Kaidou tried to speak through the awkward silence.

"Soon. They have to deliver to the entire island, so it takes awhile." Her highness sat there patiently.

"But, isn't this island huge? How do they deliver it to everyone?" Princess Yumehara asked.

"And why aren't we getting it first, we're royalty aren't we?" Saiko was pouty in his chair, mostly as usual.

"To answer both questions, we have multiple cooking houses around the land. Yes, we are the first that get delivered to, but we wait until the house closest to the palace is finished cooking. In the meantime, we can wait on your friends to arrive."

"Wait, you mean everyone is coming? Man, I haven't seen anyone else all day." Kaidou was excited.

"I know, right. I hope they're all okay. I'm sure they've had it harder than us. I can't wait to hear what they've been through." Yumehara showed the same enthusiasm.

"Even I miss them. Teruhashi definitely deserved to be a princess, don't know why you were chosen instead of her..." Saiko looked at everyone else. "You're fine as a princess here, I guess...just not my first choice, obviously."

"Hey, could you at least be nicer about it? Sure, Teruhashi might be a better princess to you, but I think..." Kaidou looked beside him, face heating up a bit. "I think she's great despite no training at all...Yeah, Teruhashi as a princess makes a lot of sense and she's perfect for the position, b-but I'm sure if you gave Yumehara some slack, she may even be better."

"Phht- yeah right." Saiko scoffed at that stupid idea. "No one could be a better princess than Teruhashi, that's just fact."

"Excuse me?" Jinn glared at him.

"I well...besides you, duh...I meant out of the people that I got stranded here with." He didn't care to impress her or make her feel better, but he had to to keep any sense of power he held back in Japan.

The queen was about to speak, but two people came in with a guard on each side. It was Nendou and Aren, coming back from a fun miniature luauthey organized. "Hey, this room looks fancy."

"Yeha, no kidding. Wonder how much Bind it took to hold this place together, not to mention how long it took to make it all."

"No kidding, I'm guessing it took an entire day just to build this one room, but damn it's cool." The two really got into their jobs and enjoy it, wouldn't ask for anything else. "Hey, Kaidou!" The two came by the table and sat next to him.

"Hey, guys. Haven't seen you all day."

"You look fancy." Aren popped his back on the chair.

"Yeah, what was your job?" Nendou patted his hair to make sure the flower from earlier was still in place.

The coiter was in a bragging mood. "Oh, nothing really, just uh being a prince and all."

"Woah, they made you a prince?" Aren couldn't believe someone like him could be royalty.

"Yeah, it's been great so far. Already starting fashion trends."

Nendou started laughing his ass off. "Yeah right, no way you're a prince, pal."

"It's true!"

"It's a fact, he's a coiter...or the equivalent to a prince where you're from." The highness smiled.

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⏰ Última actualización: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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