Letter #3

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I failed two subjects. I don't understand how it happened, knowing that I did my best in every lessons.

Maybe because I was new in this place that I don't really know how they navigate stuffs here? Or maybe because I was so conscious of other unimportant things that I lost track on my studies. Such as anxieties, for example.

I failed my father, and I failed myself too. I am so disappointed. I could've done better but I didn't. This is the first time this happened to me. And it's ironic how the bitterness of failure was more vivid
in my mind, compared to the sweetness of success I had before. I'm hating myself and I know you don't want me doing that.

But I can't help it. It's not just about studies that I'm worried about. It's been months since I was here and yet I'm still alone, by myself. I used not to care, but as time goes by, and as I continue to grow up, I'm starting to fear solitude and loneliness. Back when I was there, I knew you and my brother will always be there for me. But this time? I have no one.
Every passing minute, I wished that you were here to get things through with me.

Or maybe I am being too dependent? Maybe this is also one of the reasons why my father took me away from you. Don't feel bad tho, and don't worry. I'll get myself through this. I just needed someone to listen because as I have said, I have no one here. But it's okay, I'm trying to understand. This is part of growing up. And there will always be times that I'll be upset. I mean, everyone does.

Btw, how are you now? I hope you're not in the same situation as mine. And if ever you are, let's still keep holding on. After all, this too, shall pass. It's what I'm trying to tell myself too..

Sincerely Yours,



Yes, this is the second letter. Ismael was taking too long to come back here so he wasn't able to get my letter and deliver them to you. But guess what? I think he's coming in this school more frequently. He's literally traveling from China to Singapore every other day. He's pretty good at coming up with excuses just so he could enter our school.

Not to see me, but to see your cousin, Tender.

How come you didn't tell me she's transferring in this school too? I literally just found out when I accidentally bumped into her. Anyways, she's still as kind and shy and dainty as before.

So yeah, literally just after writing my sad letter, I discovered that she started studying here as well. I was so happy! One moment I was in despair of my grades but next thing, I'm jumping out of joy. I can improve my grades for the next semester but for my social skills? Nah.

Coincidentally, Tender didn't have any friends as well. So both of us decided to always be together. She's my best friend now! She's like a lil sister I never had. Over time, she became comfortable with me and was able to open up her beliefs, ideas, and secrets as well. Including some of your secrets that you told her. [evil grin] [kidding]

And since I'm a bit of a curious fella, I asked her what happened between her and Jasper (that bully jerk.) And she said that she let herself get in a relationship with him, as a way to get over Ismael after he rejected her. (I swear, I'd smack my brother when I see him.)

But this time, Ismael finally had some balls to pursue Tender. And guess what??? I suddenly turned into a third wheel. Literally, I am surrounded by couples.

Once I ran out of patience, I'd do anything to either get myself back there, or pull you here in this place.

Your Loveliest,

Beloved Nemesis Where stories live. Discover now