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Now get ready, because this chapter is not going to be focused on Libby again, even though I absolutely love Libby with all my heart.

This chapter is about the one and only princess..


Princess Molly has in her bedroom. A fancy bed and vanity, gold and fancy designs everywhere. She just sat there, bored. It was kind of hard, having barely any friends.

Well, it didn't matter if she didn't have friends in this kingdom. She was going to be sent off to her prince's kingdom first. She wouldn't say that she didn't like the prince, but she didn't exactly like him like that.

Anywho, she opened her window and stuck her head out for fresh air, but then she saw Libby. Molly could hear her reciting her poems while literally half the town listened. Everyone gathered around to listen, and she couldn't help hearing in herself.

It was a love poem. It wasn't saying who it was supposed to be addressed to, but it was beautiful. Molly just loved listening into her words. Libby had such a soothing voice no one could beat.

As she finished, she bowed and look off her hat for a few coins. The thing is, no one payed her. The town is pretty poor, so no coins got put into that hat. Libby looked kinda upset.

The princess felt extremely horrible. She simply could not believe that Libby had gone through all this hard work to make poems, memorized them perfectly, and paired her heart and soul into them and she wasn't even getting payed! So she called Libby's name from her window. 

As Libby looked up she had her normal flustered face. "Uh, how long have you been listening for?" She hoped Molly didn't assume it was for her. I mean, it was, but she didn't want her knowing that. Wait, what was she thinking? Of course she didn't know!

"I've heard the whole thing, silly!" "Uh.. okay. Hi , princess Molly?" Said Libby, very awkwardly. Libby was a flustered mess already. Libby thought she could handle one conversation with the princess without getting flustered, but I guess not.

"Hey , can you hold out that hat for me for a minute?" Asked the princess.

"O-o-okay." She held out that hat only for the princess to drop a whole lot of coins into it. "What?!" Libby exclaimed, her eyes widened at the sight of the money. The princess had just gave her money? She really, could not accept this. It was too much! It looked like she had put like 1k inside of there.

"Yeah. I saw you weren't making any money with those amazing poems of yours, so I thought I'd help out a bit. I mean, you pour your heart and soul into those, and it's just not fair you make no money."

"Oh my.. well, this is an amazing offer, but I cannot take it. Thank you, though." 

"No, take it. It's my treat." "Aww, well, I guess. Thank you princess!!" Libby was a blushed mess. The princess had literally just talked to her again.

"Okay, w-well, bye princess!!" 

"Goodbye, Libby!"

𝐌𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥-𝐚 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐦𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐮Where stories live. Discover now