My Sister's Keeper

Start from the beginning

As Tai looked at the small cardboard box a genuine grin spit over his face for the first time that day. "Alright! Way to go!" Tai cheered. "What is it Agumon? Did you find some aspirin?" Izzy asked, hopping off the stool. "Yeah! This ought to do the trick!" Tai asked, reading over the bow. He lifted the tab and looked into the container, only for his hopes to be dashed, "It's empty!" He realized as his face fell. "Just like everything else, this place is weird." Izzy crossed his arms in frustration. The rest of the group followed him up the stairs to the room they were keeping Kari and Arashi in. The moment they walked in, Gatomon turned to look at them, looking just as worried as Tai. "Tai, humans aren't supposed to be this color, are they?" Gatomon asked as Tai shook his head.

"Well?" Sora asked. "I'm afraid to leave if something happens, but they need medicine. "They're stable, I think. All we can do now is hope their fevers break soon." Sora replied. "It will. At least I know I'm leaving them in good hands, with you." Tai told her. "Don't worry. Just be careful." Sora assured him. "Listen, Tai, I want to come too. I won't get in the way, honest!" T.K. pleaded. "No way! You're my last line of defense! What if the Dark Masters come, huh? I need you here to look after the others." Tai told him. "You can count on me! Don't worry, I'm on the job!" "Yeah! Leave it to us!" T.K. and Patamon cheered. "I knew I could count on you guys!" Tai nodded. "Arashi?!" Sora's voice came as Tai turned to see the girl fighting with the comforter.

"Arashi, you need to calm down—" "Get them off! Get them off! Let me go!" Arashi's cries cut off Meicoomon as the girl scrambled from the bed. "Arashi, it was just a nightmare. You're sick you need to lie—" "No! No! Not again! No more! Stop it! Get away!" Sora attempted to console the girl, but Arashi slapped her hand away in a fit of hysteria, one that Tai recognized. "Sora, give her some space." "But, Tai—" "Now," Tai stated, grabbing Sora's arm and pulling her away from Arashi. Arashi had pressed herself into the corner of the room, clawing at her forearms and neck muttering nonsensically. "Meicoomon, can you talk to her?" Tai asked as Meicoomon nodded.

"Arashi? It's Mei, you're alright. You're with your friends, remember?" "No, no... I don't need you... I need him. Get me him. He's okay. He has to be okay." Arashi shook her head as she spoke, her hand shaking as it motioned for the others to stay away. "Him?" Izzy and Sora asked as Tai frowned.

Tai awoke to the sound of yelling and his mother's calm voice, he stumbled out of his bunk to find Kari standing by the door silently. "Arashi had a scary dream," Kari stated as Tai looked through the crack in the door. "No! He's okay! He's okay!" "Arashi, I know you're scared, but you need to calm down," Yuuko said in a calm voice. "They took him! They took him! I need him! I need him!" Arashi cried before yanking at her nightshirt. "Get them off, get them out! No more! Please! Get them off!" Arashi sobbed, condensing into a ball as Yuuko kneeled on the floor beside her. "Arashi, sweetie, I need you to listen to my voice okay? You're safe here. No one-"

"No one is going to hurt you, okay? I want you to take some deep breaths." Tai began reciting his mother's words from long ago as Arashi's erratic breathing began to calm. "Good. Now I want you to take a look around. You're not there anymore, it was just a dream. I know it was scary but, you're okay now." Tai's words were gentle as Arashi slowly lowered her arms. "Atta girl." He smiled cheerfully, causing Arashi to glare at the ground. "............s—y..." She muttered. "Huh?" "It's my fault Kari's sick. I'm sorry. I got her sick, it's my fault. It's all my fault." Arashi stated before looking up at the others. "Arashi, it's not–" "You were saying something about medicine. I'm going with you." Arashi states.

"No. No way, you need to–" "What if you can't find what you're looking for? Do you know exactly what kind of medicine to grab? Do you know how much of it to grab? No. I'm going." Arashi cuts Tai off before walking out of the room. "Arashi, wait for me!" Meicoomon calls chasing after the girl as Tai and Izzy quickly follow behind. "This place is deserted but I still get the feeling we're being followed. Isn't that strange?" Agumon asked as the group made its way down the abandoned streets. "It's called paranoia, actually," Arashi replied as Tai stopped in his tracks. "Izzy, what do you think you're doing?" Tai questioned noticing the redhead was lagging behind, looking around in a daze. "Aha!" Izzy cheered in response before running towards an old telephone booth.

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