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I have waited for 21 years now and I finally did it,

I finally saved up enough money to go to New York for my scholarship AND to get away from my parents!

Oh! Let me introduce myself,

my name is Zion and I'm 21 years old, and right now, I'm on a plane to the City of New York!

Did I already mention that? Sorry, I'm just very excited! You see, I said I got a scholarship but I never said what for, can you take a guess?

It's for video game design!

I know it sounds childish and stuff but I am very very passionate about video games, especially RPG games, that's why I want to make games myself and share them to the world. Basically like books but less boring.

I only have a week until school starts for me, so I might have a chance to find a apartment or something.

If not, I can just live in the dorms! If my school has any that is...

Oh I'm sorry I have to go, my plane is landing and I have a new life to start and places to be,


"...That recording sounded awful! What is up with this mic?" I grumbled.

"Should I even make this voice acted? It's just me..."

It's been almost two weeks since I recorded that message and landed in NYC.
It is now September 9.

And right now, I'm working on my first big project, my home room teacher gave us the opportunity to make a sandbox game*!

However I am literally pissing my pant because I want my game to be voice acted but my dumb mic won't work! I even tried asking other students,

But they all ignored me! Can you believe that?!

But I can't worry about this now, I need to test run the game.

I walked over to my PC and turn on my game.

Booting up...

Welcome to Robot Legends!
Click start to play.

Alright! The menu screen looks great. Now I just need to see if the buttons work...

As soon as the game finished loading, I pressed the start button.
But something... something went wrong...

"What the..." I mumbled.

The screen turned black, then it flashed white right in my face.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I screamed, it all happened so suddenly that I jumped back.

After a couple of seconds, I got the courage to stand up and walk towards the PC.

"Is this an error?" I wondered. I tried pressing space bar, multiple times.

But nothing happened. It just stayed as the white screen.

"Maybe I can just unplug it..." that's what I thought but not even that worked!

But something even weirder happened.

The screen started flashing and it was typing something on its own!

"What the.."

Welcome player 26 9 15 14

"26-9-15-14? Is that me?" I asked myself.

Sending 26-9-15-14 to Robot Legends...!

"HUH?!" I yelled but as soon as the computer finished typing a bright ass light flashed in my face knocking me into a wall.

And it knocked me out cold.

Sand box game: a game where you have free will to do whatever you want.(ex. Minecraft, GTA, Yandere Simulator)

A/N thank you so much for reading chapter one, I kinda want you guys to tell me about how you felt about this chapter! Bye!

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