Watch Your Back, Axel

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(I couldn't find an exciting photo to match the chapter)

Ashley pov:

I looked down at Axel who was talking with another demon. I threw a stone hoping the other demon would go and check it out. 'Hold on, I heard something. Let me go check it out.' I smiled as I watched the demon go and then jumped down behind Axel. Axel spun around and looked surprised to see me. I glared at him. 'Why did u send that note to Rui, after everything u did to him?' Axel glared at me 'U read the note?!' I rolled my eyes. How stupid is Axel? 'No, idiot. I gave it to Rui and he told me what it said.' Axel snorted and turned around. I turned to leave and smiled 'A warning, Axel. WATCH. YOUR. BACK!' I growled before leaving.

Rui pov:

I was walking through the forest heading for a flower field where Ashley and I usually hung out. She had been gone for about a day and everyone was getting worried. 'Dang it, Ash. You may be upper moon 0 but you're still a child. I heard a sound in the trees but before I could turn around everything went black.

(I know its short but the title didn't match what else I wanted to add)

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