Sinking Feelings

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Autumn has come to the Mainland and Island. At Jubilee bridge, vehicles honked at each other and their engines purred as they went across fast as they could; it had been a busy season on the mainland as farmers brought their local produce by truck and car over to various farmers markets to sell. Some vehicles were filled to the brim, the weight of it all making many vehicles groan heavily in distress.

"Oooough!~ Heavy!" They said to themselves in line,"I'm overloaded! I'm overloaded!" Said one old truck exhausted. "Just wait a little bit longer, Old Reliable. We're almost across." "I need a tune up! I need a tune up by the end of this!" Grumbled the old truck before they both heard a loud BANG! "I told you I'm overloaded! I warned you! I warned you!" It complained. "It's probably just a popped tire. Calm down and let me take a look."

Thankfully the driver didn't immediately come out as he had grabbed his tools. When he opened the door, he could see a crater crumbling open beneath them. "BLESS ME!" He cried before he made a step and leaped into safety; a second loud BANG! was heard before a voice came from the bottom of the crater.
"-Help, I'm stuck!" Revved his Old Faithful achingly. People got out of their vehicles and checked on the man, thankfully he was uninjured. The truck was miserable as it rested in the crater, front first and bent in some areas. "Ouuughhh. . . ", it groaned.

The two bridges were closed and workmen cleared out vehicles. Produce laid everywhere as workmen cabled Old Faithful and slowly pulled them out the crater. "Oh, oh thank you! Oh, oh sorey!" It thanked rapidly. Coughing up dust. Apologizing for the unfortunate event. "Oh my, I can breathe again! I can! I can! Thank you kindly!" They cheered weeping. Finally being towed away for repair, accompanied by it's driver in the seat. "You'll for sure be tuned up Old Faithful, I promise."

When night came along and after all produce was removed, Henry thundered through the mainline with the flying kipper. "Hurry, Hurry!" He hurrahed joyfully.
As the flying kipper went past Vicarstown and went towards the bridge, he, his driver and firemen heard a rail cap go off. His driver pulled the reverser with full steam and came to a screeching halt. The driver looked out a window and before him sat a sign 'Shut down.'
"What is the meaning of this?-" his driver fumed as he stepped down out of Henry's cab. A young worker tried to soothe Henry's driver but he demanded for the manager. "Why is the bridge shut down? The kipper is due!" He asserted as the manager came. "An accident has happened on the Jubilee. Both bridges were deemed a hazard by the inspectors. It was all on short notice-" The driver interrupted snapidly, "I do not care if it was short notice! Inform the proper managers next time! We're burning money due to your incompetence." "Yes. . . We will." And he marched back to Henry's cab. "Sorry Henry. We have to go back. The workmen didn't inform Sir Topham Hatt properly like they should." "Pshh!- Such a shame. Now the fish may have to spoil." He replied cross as well, wheeshing disgruntled. They both set off back down the mainline to port, fuming greatly.

The next day in the early morning, Sir Topham was just out of bed, not even out of his bedwear when he got a call. He slinked to the phone.
"Hello, what is it? It's dreadfully early to be calling." "Well Sir, We've had some difficulties. Both the Mainland and Jubilee bridge were deemed unsafe due to events yesterday. The manager foolishly didn't inform the railway before Henry departed with the kipper and had to turn back." The port manager stated. "What?!-" He boomed angrily. "I'll set things right immediately. Inform the managers and stop all traffic to the bridge. The manager will hear from me personally." "Yes Sir."
He got off the phone and rushed; even putting on his coat and hat over his bed clothes. "I'm sorry dear, you'll have to save breakfast for later. There is an urgent matter. Love you." "Understood dear. It'll be in the fridge when you get back. Love you." Then Sir Topham went out the door and to his car.

Topham arrived with a grizzly expression, stepping out of his vehicle. Workmen rambled with each other as he came close, "Why is he in bedwear?" Before he boomed. "Silence! Now where is the manager of this site?" "Right here, Sir. I imagine you've heard of recent events." Answered the manager anxiously. Topham spun to look at the manager, crossed.
"What is the meaning of this mess? You did not inform me, the managers and worse; did not inform the crew of the flying kipper! There could have been a major accident with many at risk. What do you have to say for yourself?" The manager paused before answering. "I was forgetful." "Certainly, is there a reason for why that is? Or were you just foolish?" He snapped, the manager flinched. Sighing with remorse in his voice. "I was worrying about our supplies. We don't have enough funds and our company has outdated equipment; it may take 5 years till this rebuild is finished, Sir." Topham was struck, pondering. "That mister. . . Will be 1 year instead. I'll figure something out for you as long as you promise to not make a mistake like that again. Understood?" "What?! Oh! Yes Sir. Very well Sir." The manager said, having to compose himself. "Good. Now very kindly get back to work." And Topham walked back to his car thoughtfully.

Once he got to his office, he got in proper uniform and sat at his desk on the phone making arrangements. "Our budget will be tight. . ." He worried to himself.

A month later, Henry and James were sent to Knapford Harbor with Topham in Henry's cab to collect the new equipment for the reconstruction. After the equipment was lowered off the ship, they coupled up and wheeshed impatiently before slowly starting their trek across the island together. Henry and James barely got up the now newly named 'Old Gordon's hill', even when double heading. Finally they arrived and delivered the equipment. Now pitch black out. Topham got out and consulted with the manager, together making sure proper preparations were made. Both engines whispered to each other as they were left alone.
"Finally! We don't deserve this. We can finally go back to bed Henry, important engines like us need our beauty sleep." Henry agreed quietly, "Yes. . . Us proper engines need our sleep for our important work. . . " He grumbled. "Let's leave soon." Said James impatiently. Soon the equipment was carefully unloaded. They left for their shed together.

Henry and James took turns on the turntable. Slowly, both puffed backward into their respective purch yawning loudly. Muttering to each other, "We are important engines, James, we must be respected. . . Remember that." "Yes Henry, It's only the proper thing for us brilliant engines; we deserve it. Night." James shut his eyes. "Night." and then Henry did. They both drifted to sleep.

The two engines were woken up by the sounds of a car horn approaching before someone got out. "What is it?" Grouched Henry. It was Topham walking to both purchs, bearing news.
"You two will need to pull the supply train for the reconstruction on the Mainland and Jubilee bridge, Including your usual runs; unfortunately no other engine is able to replace you at this dire time. So properly get steamed up and thunder along for me without complaints, please."
As Topham walked away, both the engines sulked and gave looks to each other drowsy. "Including usual runs?" "What rubbish. . ." They scoffed in unison; both very much thinking the same thing and together they slowly steamed up.

The Railway After Series #1: American Night Train (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now