Chapter 4: Things Fall Apart With A Side Of Flirting

Start from the beginning

"So, Barty," Regulus says in a manner that felt a bit too forced but Remus blushed a bit and Regulus smirked at it.

"We are being that obvious huh?" Remus asks and looks down at the floor and Regulus laughed.

"You and Sirius being obvious? No never."

"So what do you think about it?"
"What do mean? Like do I think you shouldn't do it? That I am upset that it is one of my best friends? You need to be more specific Moony."

"Well, I guess all of the above."

"Okay, I think that if everyone is on board it will be fine and I don't really care that it is Barty this isn't the first rodeo with him dating one of my other friends. Just be good to each other."

"Of course, we will... So you and James and Evan?"


"Oh come on Reggie you like them don't you."

"No, I don't,"

"Sure, and they are not trying to flirt with you either."

"They are not! They are just being weird."

"Shut up I am not talking anymore."

"Reggie!" Remus whines and Regulus rolls his eyes at his antics. You know he was going to tell Remus that Barty does in fact already like both of them and they could just go and talk to him. But now he is going to make them suffer. He should have thought more than just letting it happen.


Evan had to admit when Regulus got up and left he was really sad about it. Maybe he came on too strong? Evan can't remember a time before that Regulus and Remus actually did those rounds. Or maybe they just wanted time to talk. He really just needed to stop overanalyzing people. The silence after Remus and Regulus left was deafening but Sirius did not let that last long.

"Are you guys trying to hit on my little brother?" Sirius accuses James and Evan. Oh boy, Evan thought to himself, this is going to be so fun.


"Yes," James and Evan say at the same time. Evan glared at James who shrugged. Evan sighed heavily, he guesses that they were going to have to tell Sirius eventually but he didn't want to do it now. Maybe when he was on the other side of Hogwarts hidden in the dormitory. Where Sirus could never find him or at least take a while to find him. But no, James just had to come out and say it.

"Well, what is it Rosier? Yes or no." Sirius says, and Evan prays that anything out there would take mercy on him. Clearly, he was now going to get the brunt of it. Thanks my darling for this.

"Yes, this is a thing," Evan responds rolling his eyes. James was never going to hear the end of this.

"Then why did you say no?" Sirius asks looking like he was going to blow. Evan was not sure what to say that was not going to piss him off more. That was when Evan decided that he would not care. He was going to be brutally honest because Sirius needed to hear it and anyway anything he said would not fly.

"I didn't want to tell you because I knew you would overreact like a monkey." Evan snaps and Sirius erupted.

"Overreact it is my little brother! That is so rude!" Sirius shouts and Evan winces but was being rilled up from Sirius' anger at this.

"You always do! You never think for a moment about the consequences of your actions! All you can do is react!" Evan shouts back and Barty takes Sirius outside before anything could get worst. That left James and him in the compartment and James looked upset. Great, I have to deal with another angry person, Evan thinks bitterly.

"You should not have said that," James says his face showing anger and Evan felt bile coming up his throat. This was so stupid.

"Of course, you would take his side. Of course, you won't listen to me." Evan says exasperated by all of this.

"What do you mean? You are just being dramatic." James says rolling his eyes.

"Really? I am being dramatic?" Evan says a bit hysterically about the situation and laughed. "You didn't seem to want Sirius on you did you? No, I am just going to let my boyfriend take the heat."

James paused at this and Evan just jumped back in at this. "You know I am right!"

"NO, you are not! I just-" James says but Evan cut in getting up from his seat.

"You know what?! I don't want to hear it. Bye." Evan says going down where he knew Pandora was going to be. James was being a piece of work.

Evan opens the compartment door and there was Pandora and Xenphlius. Pandora looks up and Xenophlius just kept writing. The look on his face after coming down must have been sad puppy vibes since Pandora immediately kicked out Xenophlius and Evan sat.

"What is going on?" Pandora asks in that soft way of hers that always calms him down. Evan explains what happens and Pandora just listens and nods along not asking or talking about it just listening.

"I think you are right but maybe you should not have done it that way. Though I can see why you did it. You need time and he needs time. Okay?" Pandora says and Evan nods hugging his twin.


When Barty was able to get Sirius outside he was beyond annoyed with everyone in the room. Or maybe just the entire world at that. Sirius still looked pissed.

"I can't believe he had to gal to say that! I mean I am not overreactive." Sirius says the heat of his anger radiating off of him. He then looked at Barty expecting him to agree.

"I mean he is not wrong." Barty starts but Sirius just looked madder and started yelling about how he is right and they were both wrong. Barty then just stalked off deciding that this was all stupid.

This was going to be a long year.  

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