Decisions to Make

Start from the beginning

It was just the thought of opening up all those old wounds for his sister that made Tito uncertain how to handle the situation. One thing for certain - now that he'd actually met Eleanor, he could no longer ignore the past.

He wasn't sure why he wanted to talk it over with Caylee. Maybe because as someone who hadn't been involved in any of the past drama, she could look at things objectively? Talking to Maria's husband or even to the other OFC employees about this personal matter before telling Maria just felt like a betrayal.

But he needed to talk it over with someone, and make a decision fast, since Bailey, Ella, Jack, hell, even Maria herself, weren't gong to wait long before pressing him for answers about his meeting with the donor today.

He supposed he could just lie and say he was sworn to secrecy, but he didn't want to do that. In the end, secrets only hurt people. It would be better to get the truth out into the open, regardless of what his decision was on Eleanor's invitation for him to move into her Fisher Island Estate for three months and get to know her.

In the meantime, what he needed was a long drive along the coast to try to clear his mind.

* * *

It had never taken so long for 6:00 to arrive. Caylee left her laptop on her desk, as she had no plans to take work home with her tonight, and headed for the elevator. Just as the doors were about to close, Jack came around the corner so she hit the Open button and held it.

"Hey," Jack said.

"Sorry I'm leaving this early-" she started, but he interrupted her.

"For heaven's sake, it's after 5:00 - leave whenever you want."

"Sorry, flashback to my former life."

Jack stepped closer and blocked the elevator door with his hand. "Just wanted to ask if you heard anything from Tito. Abut the meeting today."

"Nothing yet," she said, honestly.

"All right," Jack said, "I'll just catch up with him tomorrow. Have a good evening." He stepped back and the doors started to slide shut.

"Thanks, you too," Caylee said as Jack disappeared behind them, and the elevator began it's descent.

She hadn't lied to Jack. But if she'd told him she was on her way to meet Tito right now, he'd have asked her to call him later. She wasn't making any promises to anyone until she heard what Tito had to say.

He pulled over just as she came out the lobby doors at street level. A sexy man with more than a hint of danger in those brooding good looks, with one hand on the steering wheel of that classic blue convertible and the other arm resting casually on the back of the passenger seat. He was still dressed from the meeting, she noticed, but had ditched the suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his button down shirt. She could see some of the tattoos on his arms. A stab of desire and something more shot straight to her core.

Who knew a tattooed man in a business suit would be so irresistible? She wanted to peel the rest of that starchy button down shirt off him and run her hands over everything underneath.

He moved his arm from the back of the seat and reached up to tilt his dark sunglasses down, looking at her over the top of them and those startlingly blue eyes gave her another jolt.

"Getting in?" he asked.

"You bet."

She opened the door and tossed her small crossbody purse onto the floor of the passenger seat, then slid in.

"No laptop case?"

"I'm not planning on working tonight."

"I can put your jacket in the trunk," he said, pulling something to pop it open and getting out then waiting while she wriggled out of the suit jacket, folded it neatly, then handed it to him.

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