Trying to Forget Len

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POV: [Y/N]
Halfway through the movie everyone fell asleep except Len and I. We were both watching the movie and I was really sleepy, I knew I would pass out soon. "Hey Len" I said with a giggle. "What's wrong with you?" He said laughing, I couldn't blame him because I was acting like as if I were drunk. "I need to tell you something" I said with a smile. "Yeah?" He asked and I took Piko's arm off of me and I got closer to Len. "I-I like you" I said almost falling asleep. Len looked at me, his eyes were wide. "C'mon, you're just saying that because you're sleepy" Len said. "Maybe" I said going back to Piko and sleeping on him. The next morning I woke up and I didn't remember anything that happened last night, I got up and saw Piko. "Hey Piko, get up" I said but he wouldn't get up. "Piko let's go to the kitchen, everyone is there." I said shaking him a little and he still didn't wake up, I have an idea! I pecked Piko's lips and he quickly woke up, I chuckled. "Good morning sleeping beauty" I said getting off of him. "[Y-Y/N]?" he asked blushing. "That's me!" I said helping him up and we both went to the kitchen. Everyone stared at us. I'll make Len jealous again. I kissed Piko's cheek and everyone looked surprised and Len got mad. "Hey, [Y/N]. Can I talk to you?" Len asked. "Y-yeah sure" I said surprised, I really like Len but I thought he hated me. I stepped out of the kitchen with Len and we walked to the living room, we sat on the couch next to each other. "Did you mean what you said last night?" Len asked and I looked at him confused. "What did I say?" I asked. "Nothing" he said disappointedly. "Okay" I said getting up and we both walked back to the others. "Hey! Let's go to the pool!" Miku said excitedly after we all finished eating. "But I didn't pack a bikini" I said. "You can borrow one of mine." Miku said. We walked up to her room and I chose a [F/C] bikini. "Wow that looks great on you!" Miku and Rin said. "I'm sure Len will like it~" Rin said. "RIN!" I yelled and blushed. "No! Piko is the one who will like it" Miku said and I didn't really react. 'I think I should get over Len and give Piko a chance, unlike Len Piko did like me.' I thought. "Okay! Let's go now" I said running out of the room with Miku and Rin, Miku found Kaito and ran towards him. Once we saw Mikuo, Len, and Piko they had a nosebleed. "Perverts" we yelled and the three boys blushed. Rin walked up to Mikuo and she took him with her after she smacked his head. "I'll go now" Len said getting the blood off of himself with a napkin. "H-hey Piko" I said shyly. "Hi [Y/N], you look great" he said with a small smile. "Thanks" I said looking at the floor. "Hey let's go for a swim" Piko said taking my hand in his. "Okay" I said walking over to the pool with him. We were in the pool for a few hours and then we got out and showered. "Okay, we'll be leaving now" Rin said when we were both finished with our shower. "Wait" I said as I walked over to Piko and kissed his cheek. "Here's my phone number" I whispered to him and winked, he smiled as I walked away.
~•time skip to Monday because nothing interesting happened on Sunday•~
I was walking to my last class with Rin. "I'm so tired, good thing the school day is almost over" I said. "Yeah, me too" Rin said as we walked into the classroom. "Who has their song memorized?" Miss. Megurine said and a few hands went up including Len's and mine. "Would any of you like to come up and sing? I know the test isn't until Friday but maybe you'd like to get over with it." Miss. Megurine said. "We would!" Rin said grabbing Oliver and walking to the front of the class. "Great, what song will you be singing?" Miss. Megurine asked Rin. "Cendrillon" Rin said with a smile. Rin and Oliver started singing and they were really good! When they finished singing a few other groups went up and then Len and I decided to to go up. "What song will you be singing?" Miss. Megurine asked. "Romeo and Cinderella" Len said. We started singing and the whole class stared at us, once we were done we got a standing ovation from the whole class and the teacher. When class was finished I walked to my room with Rin and I got a text message.

(??): hey, [Y/N].
You: who is this?
(??): oh, it's Piko!
You: hi Piko!
Piko: can we meet up somewhere?
You: yeah, sure
Piko: what school do you go to?
You: academy of fine arts
Piko: okay I'll be there soon, meet me in the front.
You: okay

You ran to your dorm and fixed up a little before heading out to the front. I saw Piko and ran to him then hugging him. "Hey Piko!" I said. "Hi [Y/N]" he said. "Let's go walk around" I said taking Piko by the hand and walking inside. "So, what did you want to tell me?" I said smiling at him. "Oh, yeah. Um. I really like you and I wanted to know if you'd like to be my girlfriend?" Piko said. "What? Really? I'd love to be your girlfriend!" I said. "HEY GUYS IT'S [Y/N]! and she's hugging a boy" the group of guys who usually chased me yelled running towards me but then stopping. "Is he you're boyfriend?" One of them asked. "Yup. Sorry boys but I'm taken" I said. "Oh, okay." The group of boys said walking away sadly. "What was that all about?" Piko asked. "It's just a group of fanboys" I said. "Does this happen everyday?" Piko asked. "Yup! But if I get a boyfriend they stop until we break up" I said taking Piko's hand in mine and walking back to the entranced. "Well, I'll see you again sometime" I said. "Okay" Piko said leaning in to kiss me cheek but I turned so our lips can meet, I started kissing him and he kissed back. "Bye Piko" I said walking away. 'I hope that with Piko being my boyfriend I could get over Len' I thought as I put my hand  where my heart is and letting out some tears.
I know some of you might hate me for making you go out with Piko but it won't last very long because the one you love is Len. Don't worry about it :) thanks for reading <3 bye~

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