Chapter 2

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Tuesday 11th February

I galloped down the stairs, school books in hand and began to pack my bag for school. The only reason I was going was because of a dumb history test. And Marcus.

Marcus was my best friend, had been for a long time actually. He had caramel coloured hair in a sort of mullet style, and pale grey eyes. He liked maths, and drawing, he was good at drawing.

He drew everything, but he was especially good at drawing plants. Marcus spent most of his free time volunteering at the plant shop down the road from school.

He was bullied a lot, mainly because he liked plants, excessively, but he was my friend and I liked him. No matter what the dudes at school said we always stuck together.

I locked the door and walked down the driveway, towards the bus stop. I unlocked my phone and pressed play on my music.
A song by Arctic Monkeys started playing. The bus pulled into the stop and everyone filled into it.

176 words

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