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Daisy's Note: In order to not spend so much time on my phone I'll upload Mondays, Thurdays, and Fridays. Sorry this chapter took long!

"Alright, newcomer, think you can join us now?" Wheeler laughed at that, Snowball forced a laugh to keep up but immediately went silent when the new leader barked at him. "Wrong. You're gonna have to prove yourself if you pass these assessments." Wheeler announced.

Snowball gave Derick a confused look. He didn't host assessments when he was leader. This must be some sort of thing the new dog had invented.

"In order to stay here, you're gonna have to pass three tasks. They're easy!" The crocodile reassured him.

Snowball grinned.  He'll just purposely fail those tasks and then go back to the surface. Back to Molly...Easy.

"First: Attack that man." Now outside, Wheeler said as they from a sewer drain to a black-haired man walking while also talking to someone on his phone, minding his own business.

Snowball gulped. This would be tricky. But not for a cute rabbit like him!

He nodded and left Wheeler, Derick, and Tattoo, the guys who came with them.

"Yeah, yeah, they actually let me in the job! Can you believe it..." The man then looked at Snowball. "...look, Dash, I'll call you back." He hung up and looked at Snowball.

"Awwww, you hungry bud? Here." As he took an apple slice from a bag he had been carring in a backpack. "Here you go bud, have a nice day." He then marched up, and the Flushed Pets watched in bewilderment and Snowball smiled at the slices and walked to the rest.

"Want some?" He told them.

Wheeler shoved them away with his paw.

"Idiot! You were supposed to attack him! Not bring him cuteness!" He howled, then sighed. "Let's just get to the second task."

They walked not too far, and found a kitten, a collar on it's neck. Who brightened as a girl (who was hiding it from her mother) handed him a left over steak. The kitten gladly snatched it and began leaving.

"Perfect." Wheeler growled. "I want you to kill that sorry excuse for a..." He gagged at the next word. "pet."

Snowball nodded and grinned. "Roger that, sir."

The kitten stiffened as Snowball stood in front of it. The rabbit growled...

...then suddenly shook his paw with the young cat.

"Hey there, name's Snowball. Would you a...mind handing me some of that steak? It's for some strays."

Every pet knew strays were disgusting, sometimes heartless, and not to mention a little crazy. Hopefully this might teach Wheeler that we were wrong about pets...that I was wrong...Gosh, my biggest fear is never meeting Max to make me have a change in heart and thinking this gang is awesome...The kitten, cute and young, innocently nodded and handed Snowball half of it.

"Of course, rabbit sir. I gotta get this to my owners...something has been going on lately and they look upset."

Showball nodded. "Hope everything goes well. Thanks...uh..." He liked giving nick names, and thought for one for this feline. "Cute Cat."

The kitten nodded and walked away.

Snowball once again walked to the Flushed Pets. They all now looked as if they have just finished seeing a horror movie.

"Now..." The rabbit began, "why kill, do something bad or just ruin someone's day when we can both win at the end." He then split the steak in four and gave them to each of them. Tattoo and Derick looked touched and even a bit thoughtful as they looked at their slices, but once they saw Wheeler still growling they both frowned at their former leader.

"Last. Task. Make it count, rabbit."

They all left, with Tattoo giving Snowball a warning glare.

Snowball wondered where the next task would take place, but was surprised when he found himself in The Under Belly (which in his option, really needed something to cover up the smell) again.

The whole Flushed Ones gathered, some whispering excitedly of what was about to happen while others gave Snowball now disgusted glaces after the news of what he had said in the surface.

"Final task." Wheeler's voice rose above everyone's as he stood next to Snowball in the emptyness of the bottom of The Under Belly.

Suddenly, he gave Snowball a sick grin. "You're gonna have to defeat me."

Before the small rabbit could even widen his eyes in fright, the rottweiler tackled him into the nearest pipe.

"Hahaha." He grinned. "This is gonna be a blast!"

Snowball shakingly got up, wincing...

...and then shook his head.

"I'm not gonna fight you, Wheeler."

Everyone shook their heads in disgust and began to shout.

"Send him to The Doom!"

"Do what you must, Wheeler!"

"He's grown as soft as his fur!"

"Might as well be a pet now, Snowball!"

"Everyone, QUIET!!!"

Everyone grew silent as the rabbit sreamed, then sighed.

"I..I..." Snowball then stood straight. "Yes. I am a pet."

Everyone gasped.

"Well, I had to do something." He glanced at Dragon, Tattoo, and Derick. "It wasn't like any of you would come save me." The three animals looked down in shame for that. "Those group of pets who came here, the ones that we hated years back, they're still as crazy and weird as ever....But darn are they more trustworthy than any of you are with each other at this moment."

To hide their fear that they all secretly knew the rabbit was true, everyone still shook their head in disgust.

"There's so many bad people already. Do you all really want to add up the numbers? Please,"  I beg everyone here..."join me, join us in the appropriate, good life." Please...

"Enough!" Wheeler yelled. "You are dead rabbit. Dead!"

He threw Snowball with his claws to a brick wall. "You failed all your tasks."

Snowball forced a laugh as he painfully got up. "Oh, are you gonna bring a snake at me? I invented the idea, I know how to defeat it."

"Snakes? Oh please, they're old school." Snowball's heart beated frightenedly as Wheeler then howled in the air. "Send him to The Doom!"

Everyone in the room began putting their paws in the ground with a rhythm.

"Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom!"

Snowball helplessly walked back as two black cats with ember eyes herded him to the furthest side of The Under Belly.

"Doom! Doom! Doom! Doom!"

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