Two| Riley

37 3 13

"Riley honey, are you ready?" My mum asked turning around to offer me a small smile. There was a slight tone to her voice that merely made me think she was using baby gloves on me 
I knew this time was coming so why should I have to be scared of it
My parents have essentially been priming me for it all my life 
"Georgia, stop babying the girl" Dad warned mum instantly making her smile sour as she turned back to look at him
"I'm not, I just wanted to check in on our daughter" She reminded him 
"She came here alone last night, she is fine" He growled getting out of the car heading towards the house in a huff

Mum and Dad used to be happy, I remember watching them whilst I grew up. I wished for the love they had but when it got to the time of Emily marrying off things shifted. Dad was moody, mum was sad. Afterall their first baby had left he nest and she hasn't looked back for a second 

Emily was the rebellious one of the two of us so I'm surprised they managed to find someone for her. But none the less, last time I checked Emily was living her best life 

I followed my parents out of the car heading towards the same house I had been at mere hours ago. This time it felt different.
I was still yet to meet the boy who I was due to marry but I know if Dad found that out he would not be the happiest. He's already hell bent on a mission of it happening sooner then later
Almost like he can't wait for me to get out of the house
But last night was sweet, I got to meet his parents and his little sister who is the sweetest honestly

"Riley" Piper called rushing over to me the minute the doorman answered the door
"Hey Piper" I smiled brushing some of her hair out of her face whilst glancing over to see my Mum smiling at the exchange
"Piper this is my Mother Georgia and my Father Harry" I said introducing the pair who both nodded and smiled at Piper
"It's lovely to meet you both" Piper said exchanging a few more pleasantries before we headed inside 

We followed Piper as she directed us out of the house into the gardens outside. Piper and I had spent a little time out here last night but that was short lived when her Mum called us in for some food. But the gardens in the day time were beautiful
The deeper we got into the garden, the more it became clear that we were heading towards the small group of people meters away on the patio
Deborah stood there with her husband Damien and another boy who I think would be safe to assume is James. 
He looks a lot older then all of the photos I had seen last night, the photos I saw made me picture this teenager but the boy stood in front of me was not that at all

Our parents had instantly branched off into a conversation leaving Piper and I alone with the final member of this party
"James, this is Riley. Riley this is James" Piper said making James turn to look at me freezing for a moment before looking to Piper
"I'll leave you two love birds alone" She smirked making her brother roll his eyes as she rushed over to her father's side, similar to how I used to do when Emily was in my situation 

I turned my attention back to James only to meet his gaze instantly. 
"I want to uh, apologise for not making it yesterday" He started 
"Something came up and I-" He continued before cutting himself off
"I'm not stupid. I know you didn't come because this isn't something you want. You didn't come because your mum is forcing you into this" I said earning a slightly widened eye 
"See you get it!" He exclaimed
"I do but that doesn't mean I agree with you" I warned him 
"Whether you are forced into this or not, I did not appreciate the cold shoulder before you even had the chance to meet me" I explained 
"Riley I-" He started but I shook my head

"I'm bring forced into this too, you should be mindful that the other person is going through the same thing" I reminded him
"I'm sorry" he answered scratching the back of his neck 
Before either of us could say anything else his mother broke the conversation swiftly
"Lunch is ready" She smiled sweetly


I couldn't help but notice Dad's glances towards James through out Lunch. Like he was trying to sus out a problem, one that isn't there 
I'm all for him not wanting this however, I think we  are a little ahead of that now. After all this was all his idea
"So we were thinking of a trip away this weekend and would love Riley to join us" Deborah said making me look over to her, only to meet her usual gleaming smile
"A trip away?" Dad asked earning a nod

"I'm not sure about that. I think we should finalise the details of this engagement first" He said making me widen my eyes while James trying to hide him choking on his drink through a cough
"I'm sure we can sort that out between the two of us Harry. This trip will be good for James and Riley to get to know each other, after all you are wanting this wedding sooner rather then later" Damien said making Dad look over to me, for a change it looked like he was asking for my permission on something, trying to see if it was something that I wanted

"I can't see any harm in it, right Riley?" James asked making my gaze shift to him
"I'll have to move around some of my classes but I can't see why I can't make it work if you can" I answered hoping the slight snark would be enough to put him on track 

"So it's settled, we'll head out Friday evening. We'll have our driver pick you up from home Riley" Deborah said making me nod
"Sounds like a plan" I said pushing food around my plate 

Growing up, I had pictured the whole engagement and marriage side of things but this isn't what I picutred
I thought I would have time with the person, to get to know them, to fall in love with them before we jumped into any of this 
But I guess thanks to James' track record that isn't applicable here

I have to fall blindly into this sense of marriage in the hope it doesn't end up a disaster. 

Following the book is how I've always behaved, messing around and playing up was never an option. It wasn't something I enjoyed doing and I can say right now 
James isn't about to play me the fall

I'll make sure he follows the rules when it comes to list even if it's the last thing I do 

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