2 All Hallows' Eve

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In the midst of trying to find a costume for that stupid party you agreed to go to,you fell asleep.

You were so tired from scrolling endlessly through Google for some sort of inspiration that your eyes suddenly became incredibly heavy and you can't help but close them.

What finally wakes you up from your slumber is Danny shaking you awake.

"Wake up.Someone's at the door for you".Danny says as he finally manages to wake you.

"For me?".You question but he doesn't answer.Instead,he walks in the direction of his room and shuts the door behind him.

Rubbing your eyes,you jump up from the couch and walk over to the front door.For a minute you think you must be dreaming as you see Tara Carpenter at your door.You blink twice but,nope,you're not dreaming.

"Hi?".You say,mentally slapping yourself for sounding kind of rude.You're like that when you've just woken up.

Tara smiles shyly. "Hey.Sorry,I didn't realise you were sleeping".

"It's fine.I was just taking a nap".You tell her as you stretch.You're still extremely confused on why she's here. "What's up?".

"Chad wants to know if you need a ride to the party.He's currently giving Ethan a pep talk so he couldn't text you and I don't have your phone number".Tara explains.

"Party?".You say confused,still not having woken up fully.Tara's face falls and it finally hits you what you're suppose to be doing tonight. "Oh shit,I've completley forgot about that".

"Do you even have a costume?".Tara asks.

"Yeah,I've got one from a couple years ago".You reply. "What time are you guys leaving?".


"Alright,tell Chad I'll be ready in,like,twenty minutes".

Tara nods and she's about to turn around and leave before you stop her.

"Give me your phone".You demand.

Tara's eyes widen. "Excuse me?".

"Give me your phone".You repeat.

Tara takes her phone out of her pocket and hands it to you,staring at you with confusion as you tap on her phone before handing it back.

"Now that you have my phone number,text me whenever you need me".You tell her.

Tara nods and once you shut the door,she grins and walks away back to her apartment.


After you put on your costume and having to wait another half an hour for Tara and Anika(while you and Mindy leaned against Chad's car as you talked about your recent film class),you finally make it to the party.But,as soon as you make it inside,the whole group gets split because of the amount of people.

The stench of alcohol makes you gag as you make your way through the crowd,aiming to find at least one of your friends.You push past a couple dancing incredibly sexually and you nearly groan out in disgust before your eyes land on Tara.

You finally get a good look at her costume and you have to say,she looks breath taking in that pirate costume.Your breath literally catches in your throat.

You make a very slow beeline for her as there is about a million people in your way and you put your hand on her shoulder to get her attention.She flinches.

"Sorry".You apologise,taking your hand away. "There's so many people here".

"Obviously,it's a house party".Tara says.

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