Chapter 1 - Memories of Loss

Start from the beginning

This was the shining jewel of the Goa Kingdom; the capital of Dawn Island. Said to be the most beautiful place in the East Blue. Not a hint of trash could be found on its streets.

During an excursion to the Goa Kingdom, the three brothers attempted to trade in some crocodile skin while posing as an adult by stacking on top of each other while wearing a full-body cloak. Unbeknownst to Ace and Luffy, they discovered that Sabo is a runaway noble. Sabo explained to his brothers that he ran away to avoid an arranged marriage to a royal family. His parents cared more about status than their son. Ace and Luffy took it surprisingly well, saying it doesn't matter where Sabo came from. They each shared the same dream.

Things got worse, though, when Sabo was then captured by the Bluejam Pirates, who were hired by his father to bring him back home. When they did, he was introduced to his newly adopted noble brother, Stelly. Sabo was shocked that his parents already considered replacing him. He was later informed provocatively by Stelly that Gray Terminal was due to be set ablaze the following day. The aristocracy planned to burn away the trash outside the city, along with its inhabitants, to make a good impression for the upcoming visit of the Celestial Dragons; the descendants of the founders of the World Government.

A group of important people, including a World Noble, were sent to inspect the East Blue for a suitable candidate to join their ranks.

Sabo could no longer stand living in such a dark country that felt like a prison. On the night of the fire, Sabo escapes from his home to try and warn the denizens of Gray Terminal of the impending disaster but arrived too late. The Bluejam Pirates, once again hired by the nobles, were charged with the task of starting the fire, only to find out later that they were conned. They were promised a noble status and titles as a reward for their deeds, only to find themselves trapped in the fire with the entrance to the city locked tight. Failing to prevent the many needless death in Gray Terminal, Sabo, in despair, was then approached by a hooded man in the deserted streets who asks what's wrong.

That man was Monkey D. Dragon, leader of the Revolutionary Army, as well as Luffy's father.

Sabo confines the truth of the fire to Dragon and that the nobles and king are responsible. He goes on to say that the kingdom smells worse than the Gray Terminal, as well as its people, and as long as he stays in the kingdom, he will never be free. Dragon was greatly shocked at what Sabo said, and that the Goa Kingdom, the place of his birth, has now forced their children to say such things.

Meanwhile, at Gray Terminal, the remaining squatters that haven't burned down were getting closer to a fiery death, until an unnatural gust of wind created a safe path through the fire, leading to a ship at the coast. The ship belonged to the Revolutionary Army, with some of its members on board, including Dragon. The leader then welcomes those who desire to fight for their freedom onto his ship before sailing away.

Ace and Luffy soon found themselves thrown into the mix. In their attempt to bring back Sabo, they also got trapped in the fire. But in the mass hysteria and confusion, the trapped Bluejam Pirates. Outmatched, the boys were nearly killed until they were saved by their adopted family; Curly Dadan and the Mountain Bandits. During the struggle, Dadan and Ace stay behind to fight Bluejam and his crew, while the rest of the Mountain Bandits and Luffy make a quick escape. The following day, Ace and Dadan return to the bandit's hideout to the relief of Luffy and the other bandits. One of the bandits, Dogra, later returns from town to inform them of some tragic news.

In the meantime, Sabo was later recaptured by the police and brought back to his prison/home. Fully accepting that he will never find freedom here, he leaves the island the day the Celestial Dragon is set to arrive. Sabo commandeers a small ship, flying a jolly roger, and attempts to set sail. But his ship was quickly destroyed by a World Noble, supposedly killing Sabo along with it.

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