"Alrighty so who's sleeping with who?" I asked. "I'm not sleeping with Reid. He squirms too much." Everyone else agreed, "Well you can come share with me then Spence." I smiled, he clutched his satchel and go-bag and took a stance next to me. "I pick JJ!" Prentiss called out.

They rushed up the stairs to get a good room before the rest could. Rossi took one of the spare rooms, while Morgan ended up with the pullout couch. Leaving Hotch to have a room to himself.

I walked up the steps with Spencer following close behind. We walked into my room, throwing my stuff onto my desk Spencer carefully placed his things on the floor next to the bed.

"Wow nice room." He said calmly. I nodded, "Yeah I ended up getting the master bedroom when the girls moved out. It's a lot nicer than the smaller rooms!" I walked over to my closet and pick out an outfit for tomorrow then walking to my desk and picking out something to sleep in.

"It's a whole lot better when you have your own bathroom and don't have to share!" Walking into the bathroom I started the water to the shower. Spencer was now leaning back on the bed, his arms behind his head. "W-What's it like not living alone?" I turned my to him, "Um it's not the worst but when you live with all girls and they keep trying to steal your clothes that makes it difficult." A chuckle left his throat as he sat up.

"So do you wanna shower first?" I asked as I noticed the shower had been running for a couple minutes. "You can go first, but thank you." I nodded sending a small smile. I grabbed my things and went to the bathroom.

I tried not to take as long since I didn't have to wash my hair. Thank god I washed it the other day or I would have used up all the damn water. I laughed to myself as I stepped out the shower. I dryer off and put my clothes before exiting the bathroom.

Reid POV

I was reading a book when Amelia stepped out of the bathroom, wearing nothing but a shirt and some underwear. I could feel something statin against the button of my pants, I quickly adjusted. I tried not to focus on her and keep it on my book.

"You might wanna wait a couple of minutes before you take a shower, let the hot water heat back up." She hanged her towel on a hanger on the back of the bathroom door, she stood on her tiptoes making her shirt rise up. I gulped and adjusted once again.

"I do hope you know your laying on my side Spence, so your gonna have to move." She lightly shoved me and giggled.

"Uh-um-yeah let me get my things." My voice came out shaky, I bent down to grab my things, my eyes raking over her body.

God I wish Morgan would have paired up with me. I cleared my throat,"So um how's your mom doing?" I asked. "She's good. She just had surgery on her knee about a month or two ago. My dads been helping her so she's in very good hands." She replied, grabbing the book off her nightstand and laying on the bed.

"How's your mom?"

"Um slowly getting better. I need to visit, I haven't been able to this past year."

Her eyes roamed over my face, searching for something. "If you'd like I could go with you? I'd like to see my other mom sometime." She giggled and went back to reading her book.

I watched as her eyes slowly read the page, fascinated at how her minds works slower than mine. "Ok-I uh- I'm gonna go take a shower now."

She nodded not looking up from her book. I grabbed my clothes and walked into the bathroom.

Amelia POV

I woke up to some moving on the other side of the bed, I leaned up on my elbows and looked over my shoulder. Spencer was panting and mumbling to himself, "please, no! No! No!" He shot up from where he was laying and looked around panicking. "Hey, hey it's ok. It's ok." I calmly said reaching out for him.

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