Spending time with Isabella, they were immediately smitten by her innocent charm. Her sparkling blue eyes, reminiscent of her father's, seemed to hold a world of wonders within them. They showered her with love and affection, each of them coming up with their own unique nicknames-cupcake, bluebell, Isa, Bella, and pixie pop.


It had been shortly after he had returned from patrol. The door to his room had opened and tear-filled blue eyes stared at him, he could see her clinging on to her soft toy. He got up and walked towards her, she was still lingering in the doorway. Kneeling to reach her height he asks softly, "nightmare?"

She nods, tears still streaming down her face.

He looks at her unsure of what to do.

"Would you like to go back to sleep?" he asks quietly.

She shakes her head vehemently.

He still is unsure of what to do. Acting on a random whim he stands and picks her up. She clings to him and he definitely doesn't marvel over how she fits perfectly in his arms.

He takes her to the library and picks out The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, sitting on his favourite armchair he seats her on his lap and starts to read to her, "Once there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy..."

As he read the words of "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe" to her, the little girl nestled comfortably on his lap, her tears slowly subsiding. His voice filled the air, transporting them both to the magical world of Narnia, where adventure and wonders awaited. Each sentence he spoke seemed to have a calming effect on her, as if the story itself possessed the power to chase away the remnants of her nightmare.

As the tale unfolded, the young girl's imagination began to take flight. Her tear-streaked face transformed into a canvas of curiosity and fascination. She listened intently, her wide blue eyes shining with wonderment, completely engrossed in the enchanting narrative. The man couldn't help but be captivated by her innocent enthusiasm, his heart warming at the sight.

Together, they ventured through the wardrobe into a wintry Narnia, where they encountered the majestic lion, Aslan, and witnessed the valiant efforts of the Pevensie children to overthrow the White Witch's tyrannical rule. With each turn of the page, the man's voice grew more animated, his tone reflecting the bravery, friendship, and sacrifices depicted in the story.

As the final chapters approached, the little girl's eyelids grew heavy, exhaustion finally taking hold. She leaned against his chest, her small body relaxed in his embrace, as he continued reading. He couldn't bring himself to stop the story prematurely; it was as if the act of storytelling had become their own private refuge from the world's troubles.

When he reached the end, he closed the book gently, his voice fading into silence. The room seemed to hold its breath for a moment, the remnants of the tale lingering in the air. Then, he looked down at the slumbering child in his arms, her soft breaths creating a soothing rhythm against his chest.

Carefully, he rose from the armchair, cradling her with tenderness, and made his way back to her room. The moon cast a gentle glow through the window, illuminating the path ahead. As he approached her bed, he paused, hesitating for a moment before placing her down as gently as he could.

Tucking her in, he watched her sleep peacefully, her face now free from the worry that had plagued her before. He couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness toward her, a desire to shield her from any harm. It was a feeling he had never experienced before, yet it felt surprisingly natural.

Leaning down, he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, whispering, "Goodnight, little one." He lingered for a moment, his hand brushing a strand of hair away from her face, before quietly retreating from the room.

Him reading to her becomes an event. She drags Dick into it too, whenever he isn't with his Teen Titans in New York that is and Jason. Alfred provides them with milk and cookies and he reads to them every night before patrol. They stop once she falls asleep and they take her up to bed before patrol.

About a year after they start this routine, he returns from patrol to find a crying Marinette in his room. She just cries harder once she sees him. He holds her until she falls asleep resolving to talk to her in the morning.

He takes her to the cave the next morning, after breakfast, with Dick and tells her about Batman and Robin. When they head back to the manor she heads to her room and doesn't come out before sundown (Alfred took her lunch to her room and had somehow talked her into eating). He spends the whole day worrying about if telling her was the wrong thing to do. She comes down for dinner and after dinner she still drags them to the library. She doesn't fall asleep like she usually does, instead when he completes a chapter Marinette asks them to wait, runs out and returns, panting, a few minutes later with something colourful in her hand. She then hands it to them. It's a thread with beads on it. She hands Dick two of these, one has black and blue and the other is purple, black and yellow, Jason's red-green-yellow and his has blue, purple and black.

She grins up at them and says cheerfully.

Isa- lucky charms. Jason's is like Robin, Dick's Nightwing and yours is Batman."

"And the other one?" Dick asks

"Batgirl," she exclaims cheerfully.

Bruce as always is amazed at her never-ending optimism, kindness and hopefulness. Dick offers her a sunshine smile of his own, hugs her and says, "Thank you Sunshine."

Once she lets go of Dick she looks at him with her big blue eyes, and Bruce ruffles her hair and gives her a smile.

B- I'll carry it with me at all times.

Isa smiles wider (something Bruce wasn't aware was possible) and says goodnight before skipping back to her room.

Isabella (Marinette) Martha WayneWhere stories live. Discover now