A summer for change

Start from the beginning

"Can we go to Starbucks?" Darcy asks sliding into the passenger seat.

"Actually I needed to stop by target to get a few more things before I leave." I tell her

"Great! Theres a Starbucks in target!"

We drive to target chatting aimlessly about our finals and things among that nature. We stop by the Starbucks kiosk first, me ordering a passion tea and her ordering a double chocolate frappiccino, and Blaire ordering a Hazelnut Macichato, before heading through the aisle to collect last minute things. Our personalitys often reflect things like that. Me, simple and satisfied with tea. Darcy wild and needing a whole bucket of chocolate in her drink. Blaire, sophisticated, ordering a something usually working moms would get.

"Anyway isn't there wifi? We can skype." Blaire mentions

"Ya but its limited. They really want us to focus on the kids. We can use the wifi on our free days. Which is sunday. And after lights out. Which is 10. So here it'll be 11 here and in California one in the morning!" I tell them as I look through the assortment of notebooks. "Our best bet is that we write to each other." I say picking out spiral notebooks.

"Writing? I hate writing." Darci scrunches her forehead.

"But you love your best friends and we all have to make sacrifices."

"Lambs are the only thing that should be sacraficed." She mumbles sipping her drink.

"That was a bad bible joke." Blaire tsk at her.

"I didn't ask your opinion."

"Don't be a baby." I say because I can see her start to pout. Darcy loves to pout. If there was a contest for pouting shed win. And its always over the stupidest things. One time she didn't get picked to close our small group in prayer and she pouted for a good two hours.

"I am not being a baby. I just don't like writing. So if I have to do something I don't like for you this summer, then you should have to do something you don't like this summer."

"Oh no Darcy! That is not how this works!" Darcy always comes up with these crazy ideas that usually don't work and usually get one of us into trouble.

"Yes it does. It'll be fun." She smiles as we check out.

Back in the car she throws she feet up on to the dash board (only cause I hate when she does that) and sucks on the lollipop she got. "So my proposal. I'll write to you every week if your willingly to let down your barrier and at least make friends with someone of the male species."

"No! Darcy this is a christian camp! I'm pretty sure thats against the rules either way!"

"Did it say that in your handbook?" Blaire of course asks. She would side on Darcy with this one, and mention the rule book.

"Well.... It said no sexual contact..."

"Exactly. Doesn't mean you can't flirt or any of that. Just try it out. Never know might end this summer with a boyfriend."

~~ Darcy ~~~

I watch my best friends flustered manner at my proposal. Honestly its funny. Shes never been with a guy or anything and this is the perfect chance for her. Isn't there movies based on going to camp and falling in love and blah blah blah. Its perfect and she'll thank me at the end of this summer.

Besides if I'm not going to see her for three months the least I can do is have a little fun with her.

Shes still going on about how its not appropriate when we get to her house.

A summer for changeWhere stories live. Discover now