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It's been two days since you've arrived back in Naples and you're working on a painting in your room. You promised yourself to painting the view of the forest from the villa's balcony and set to work today. You gently drag the paintbrush down to paint the shape of a tree trunk and added a few different shades of brown to give the tree trunk some highlights. So far, the painting is turning out greater than you would expected.

You were so focused on your artwork that you didn't hear the footsteps of Elle that slowly approaches behind your back. Elle put a hand on your shoulder and you flinched, causing your paintbrush to smear across the canvas, ruining the painting again.

"Elle!" You scolded, turning around and giving her the dirtiest look you've ever gave her, "This is the second time now! Next time it's gonna be a strike and I'll deadass beat you!"

Elle put her hands up, "Whoa chill out! I didn't mean to mess up your work like that."

She pointed to the tray of food she left on your drawer, "I made you lunch. You can eat it whenever you feel like it."

You nodded, "Thank you."

"Alright! I'm not coming back until 10PM. I got some tourist things to do later and Mattia will be my personal tour guide." She said cheerfully as she skipped out the door, "I got something to tell you later but bye bye for now!"


At around 4pm, you finished your painting and got up from your chair and stretched your back. As you walk down the stair to make dinner, you got a text message from Giorno. You opened your phone and smiled at the message he send.

Giorno: Good evening Y/N. I hope you're doing well. I missed seeing you.

Y/N: Awww I missed you too Giorno! How's everything going for you?

Giorno: It's the same per usual. There's not a lot of stuff going on so I'm just hanging around with Mista at a casino that we own.

Y/N: Passione sure have a lot of businesses and properties. I don't think Rosa ever had that much before.

Giorno: Have you eaten yet?

Y/n: I'm about to.

Giorno: Would you like me to take you out for dinner? I haven't eaten either and Mista is too busy gambling so I can ditch him at anytime.

Y/N: lol sure :)

Giorno: I'll pick you up. What's your address?

Y/N: It's fine. I'll drive over.

Giorno: Alright.

Giorno send you the address of the restaurant and you walked back into your room to change out of your lounge wear into something that'll look nice for a dinner with him. You picked out your favorite dress and hairstyle, adding some flower accessories to match. Afterwards, you put on your heels and walked out the door to the car and opened the address on your phone.

"Alright..." You said while turning on the engine, "Let's go."


You arrived at a vineyard and entered through the gate. As you made your way into the green valley, you admire the scenery where the light of the sunset gave the trees and grasses a golden shade. You pulled out your phone and followed the direction that Gino gave you to the dining area.


You looked up and turned to your left to find Giorno waving at you to go over to him. You jogged up the hill where a round table with candles and foods awaits you. Giorno pulls back a chair and offered it for you to sit. You smiled at him, "Thank you Giorno. You really did all this just for dinner?" You picked up a candle and sniffed it, "And it's scented too. I see that you're getting really extra with all this."

Reminisce - Giorno Giovanna x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now