Chapter Five: Hide And Seek

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"Let's play hide and seek"!

Off The Wall said enthusiastically.


Dangerous jumped up for joy, making the rest of us laugh.

"Who's going to be the seeker"?

"Oh me me me me"!

Invincible raised his hand excited.

I giggled and told him that he could be the one who finds all of us.

The second-eldest of the MJ eras covered his eyes with his hands and started to count.


Me and everyone ran to go find a place to hide.

After he finished counting, it didn't take long for Invincible to find BLOTDF, J5, Off The Wall, and HIStory.

"Aw, man! You found us"!

Off The Wall pretended to pout, and then giggled.

"Now, we need to find the rest of them".

Invincible suggested that they split up in hopes of finding the other Michael's.

"I found you Thriller"!

"Aw, shucks..."

"Here's Dangerous"!

Bad said, sticking his head underneath This Is It's bed.

Meanwhile, I was still looking for a place to hide.

It was unusually quiet in the house.

Until I heard someone whispering.


This Is It called out quietly.

I turned my head and he hand-gestured me to come closer.

After joining him in his hiding spot, I noticed that This Is It was groaning in pain.

He was having trouble moving his left arm to the side.

"What's the matter"?

I whispered.

"I need my medicine to help me feel better".

"You mean the painkillers"???

I asked, instantly realizing what he was referring to.

"Oww...I hope they'll find us soon".

This Is It cried out in pain.

"You can't be taking those painkillers anymore. They're just gonna make you addicted to them".

I told him.

"I can't cope with the pain".

The poor thing was close to tears.

Then, out of nowhere, he quickly got up from his hiding spot.

"No no no! Don't do it"!

I ran after him, holding onto his other arm.

"I can't take it anymore! I need them right now"!

He sobbed.

"There are other ways to cope with the pain in your shoulder. Please, This Is It. Let me help you".

I begged, and then wrapped my arms around him into a hug.

This Is It took out a tissue from the inside pocket of his tuexdo jacket.

"I-I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I d-didn't mean to yell at you".

He said, and I helped him sit down on the couch.

"It's okay, you didn't hurt my feelings at all".

I sat down next to him and carefully wiped away his tears using my finger.

"I'll help you get through this, and Invincible will need my help too, he's probably got the same problem as you do".

I held his hand and kissed it a few times.

This Is It took some time to calm himself down, and once he did, he felt a little better.

"T-thank you".

He said, and smiled a tiny bit.

"Your very welcome, Peter Pan".

I grinned, and he giggled.

We both shared a hug and then, I took him to the kitchen to get an ice pack.

"Put this on your hurt shoulder and hopefully, it'll numb out some of the pain".

I handed it to him and slowly did what I told him to do.

"Wow. This does feel good".

This Is It told me.

I then remembered about his insomnia.

"And I'll also be helping you and Invincible with your sleeping problems. You shouldn't take sleeping pills either because they're also an addictive drug".

I smiled, rubbing his back to help him relax.

"I don't know how I never met someone who ever treated me with so much respect and kindness. You're such a sweet little girl".

He kissed me on the cheek, making me giggle.

"Hey, I'm not little anymore. I told you and the others about that already".

I pretended to pout.

This Is It laughed and then, we heard the other Michael's coming.

"There he is"!

Off The Wall called out.

"Hey Invincible"!

Bad ran into the living room, laughing as Thriller almost tripped over his own feet.

"Yay! We found him"

Dangerous childishly grinned, making me laugh.

Once everyone else has reunited with each other, I told them about had happened.

"Are you feeling  okay, This Is It"?

Ghost asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for asking. I just needed a break".

This Is It gave him a reassuring smile.

💫 When You Wish Upon A Star 💫 (A Multi-Michael Jackson Fanfic) 💫Where stories live. Discover now