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Annelise stormed into the Great Hall when she heard Dumbledore call her. Everyone looked and gasped at her as she strutted up to the stage.

"It's nice to see you, Miss Lestrange." He said.

"Please, call me Annelise." She told him. He nodded.

"Shall we get you sorted, Miss?" McGonagall asked. Annelise sat down on the chair. She thought she'd be put in Slytherin, but it was up to the hat.

"Hmm...Tricky.... Mother's temper... Father's courage...hmmmm..." It mumbled.

"GRYFFINDOR!" It finally shouted. She smiled, bowing at both Professors before taking her seat at the Gryffindor bench.

She sat beside a dorky looking boy, not too bad looking, and across them was a ginger, sheepish boy and a girl.

"Well, hello there." She said, noticing how scared everyone looked.

"I don't bite." Annelise said. The girl's lip trembled.

"Hello." The dorky boy said. It was then she noticed the scar on his head. Harry Potter.

"Hello, I'm Annelise." She smiled at him. He gave her one back. Annelise looked at the other two.

"Well, aren't you going to introduce yourselves? I already know about Potter!"  She said. The ginger boy almost let out a whimper.

"I'm Hermione, and this is Ron."

"Ah, The Golden Trio! How cute. So adorable how you three have stuck together after all this time." She said, genuinely.  Hermione smiled at her, she was the first person to do so.

"I think me and you will get along great, Hermione."

"I think so too. And you will need a friend, coming into this year alone."

"I've never had friends before so thank you." It warmed Annelise's heart that she finally had a friend.

"Does he say much?" She said, aiming at Ron.

"Yeah, he's just nervous."

Annelise and Hermione continued to talk all through the feast. They became good friends by the end of the night. Before she went up to her Dorms, her idiotic, spoiled, cousin Draco stopped her.

"Be careful around that Granger, she's a Mudblood."

"Shut it, Draco. She's my friend." Annelise said.

"You're a disgrace to the family, Annie." Draco spat. Annelise got so mad, she felt like she would explode.

"Piss off, Draco. Go back to that hole and die." She spat back.

After that, she resorted back to bed, ready for her day of lessons tomorrow.

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