Leo waved, opening up the strange trademark Fallen wings of his, with their dark aura and lifted off. It was better to fly away, under the cover of clouds. Harder for anyone to follow or track him. Leo continued. He had no choice but to accept the Angels' offer. However, perhaps there was an easier, if more emotionally painful, way to understand. Leo didn't necessarily want to return, but he'd have to. There was nothing else he could do.


Mynth was pleased to see him. She was in a better mood than usual, because, at his arrival, she'd only thrown seven knives at him. The Wendigo had taken human form currently, and was crouching mid-level on the fire escape, above him by two floors. She was replacing the seven knives she'd thrown at him with new ones in her hands, and was watching Leo warily. "I've heard about your case, cursed Fallen sinner." She spat. "I'm not helping you. Not today. Not in something like this. Leo sighed exasperatedly. The cannibalistic dark spirits that were the Wendigos were prone to overreacting and being dramatic. "That's a strained and blown way out of proportion." He justified, but Mynth was having none of it. Can't be right about everything. He said regrettably, thinking back to his original assumption that the cranky lady was actually not enraged to see his face.

She shouldn't have been surprised of course. Leo often visited this area of the main Wendigo residents living quarters, because behind every bad decision there was a Wendigo. That little voice tugging in the back of your brain, to do something absolutely horrible, to remove what of you is humane bit by bit until you are left nothing but a shell. They were foreboding, but it wasn't their fault. The Wendigos' only form of food, in a sense, was the darker parts of humanity, and occasionally, if the Wendigo is especially skilled, even an Angel. Causing an Angel to fall would be like a feast of all the darker things that those sanctioned only for good block out. Even so, the Wendigos' can't change that. Their only form of surviving was an irrefutably cursed way of life. To cause the problems of others. Constantly. Even so, this didn't mean that they weren't useful. They were always somewhere near any murders, dealings or generally shady business.

Leo had only learned all this through trial and error, some of which still had left scars. Mynth was a generally powerful Wendigo, and so was quite often the best source for any trouble brewing. Arnie had given him one thing. A hint. The Monsters didn't trust him, even though he was ever-knowing, but if not provided information, he was nothing. Mynth however, she was the creator of all of it, and he knew he'd gain something from her, in comparison to the recently fruitless investigative work he'd been doing. Not gaining leads was difficult for Leo, because his rank was only, and only, about his work, and if he didn't focus on that, then he'd have to focus on what had become of his life.

Leo focused on the task at hand, which was gaining information from Mynth. In human form, she had luminescent, frosty skin, almost-white blue eyes, and pure white hair, curling down her back. She wore Human clothes, a gray hoodie with a graphic of an ice horse in flames in the center.


Other than that, jeans and black sneakers. Nothing too attention-grabbing. That was probably already an issue, considering her pure-white hair was something humans had never seen before. She wore a belt, with which were strung seven knives, the newly equipped ones.

"Alright. Mynth, have you sensed any . . . Angelic activity, on this side of the radar?" He asked. Mynth's lips tightened, but her eyes widened, if only a mere fraction. "That's specific." She said vaguely. Leo nodded. "Frankly speaking, there's been some . . . turmoil with the Angels. Some things have gone missing, and an Angel is dead. Oviously, the Wendigos' area will be their first target to scout over, even if they go well over the Human expectations of police brutality, as long as they get their info and haven't directly sinned. So you really want that?"

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