Letter #2

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To whom it may concern.... I mean, to my Loveliest,

(skip first paragraph if you don't want an advice)

It might be a pain for you if I tell you this, but you gotta make friends. :) Just like in government and royal stuffs, you have to make alliances so that someone could help you when you're in need. But I don't mean you make friends for benefits. Be genuine still. :) There will always someone out there whom you can vibe with, trust me. Maybe you just haven't met her yet.

I see you're being anxious if your letter is too long and tiring to read. Love, I'd want you to write more.

As for my own life update, I still set an alarm on my phone to remind me to greet you goodmornings. I still usually order Shanghais even though you're no longer there to eat them with me. I still go to your coffee shop even though I know you weren't there. Speaking of your coffee shop, Aunt Merida always serves me breads and coffee for free :) I still try to do well at school as if you were there to finally give me some attention. I still visit the library as if I can find you there, waiting for me. Sometimes, when someone enters the company with a huge baggage, I would think that you were hiding inside. :)

To sum things up, I guess I still wasn't used to you not being around me. I missed you, yeah.

The days passed by slow. An hour feels like a whole day. A whole day feels like a whole week. Your absence totally made huge differences.

I'll be joining the Spelling Contest next week. (Wish me luck.) I encountered many words that I found interesting and I thought you might wanna learn them too.

•forelsket - the euphoria you experience when you are first falling in love

•vorfreude - the joyful, intense anticipation that comes from imagining future pleasures.

•ineffable - utterly indescribable, too sacred to speak of

•catharsis - the purging release of emotional tensions, especially through kinds of art or music.

•wanderlust - a strong wish to travel

As you might notice, these words perfectly described my feelings the moment I met you, and the moment you've gone afar.

Take care of yourself.

Always Yours,

PS: I've sent a Panda together with this letter. Ismael will hand it over. You can hug the toy if you feel sad or anxious. It's what I do with my Dumplings.

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