Letter #1

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Beloved Nemesis,

(Don't mind the greeting. I just missed us being enemies.)

I am writing this letter to you as to let you know that I have arrived safely in Singapore. I'm not sure if getting a letter instead of a text message is ridiculous to you. But the school I got enrolled in practices traditional teachings and usage of smartphones or computers are prohibited. I can't even find any internet connection when I arrived at this school. I am so dead, you know that?

Also, my first days here in this school weren't that good. I still don't have friends until now. (Even when I was in China, tho.) There's no difference.

I honestly felt like a new person when I arrived here. Because I'm a stranger to everyone and no one knows anything about me. I felt free. I hope both of us can be together here for quite some time.

So back to the school topic, I am friggin' surrounded by couples. I was sitting peacefully and guess what? A boy came in and started tying the girl's hair who's sitting in front of me. He even let her borrow his jacket too. I'm not envious, okay? But my other classmates thought so and they were laughing at me saying I was drooling on the floor. Some of them even said I had a crush on that guy and HELL NO. If only I could slap your picture on their faces and tell them that I'm taken and my boyfriend is way more handsome than anyone in this school.

Am I writing too long? I hope you're not lazy reading this because I still have so many friggin things to rant about.

This school is so strict that I cannot even leave the premises. It's a bording school so we're required to stay inside. Basically, we are prisoners — for two years. I don't understand why of all school, my father would enroll me on this one.

Anyways, your eyes are probably worn out reading this long letter. Whatever your situation is right now, know that I am there in spirit and you're never alone. (Even though I'm thousands of kilometers away from you.)

Sincerely Yours,

Beloved Nemesis Where stories live. Discover now