She's a Fighter

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Classes were finished for the day and Andromeda was waiting for Ominis while he met with Professor Hecat to discuss an assignment. They plan on meeting with Sebastian in Hogsmeade since he insisted on checking out Zonko's Joke Shop due to a new shipment of Tempest in a Bottle.

"Hey! Andromeda!"

With her back leaning against the wall, she lifted her eyes to see Leander and Garreth casually strolling up to her. "Can I help you?"

Leander shrugged. "Oh, we just noticed that you are standing here all by yourself without your scary boyfriend and figured we would take the chance to come talk to you."

Andromeda raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms. "Scary boyfriend?"

Garreth quickly interjected. "Yeah! It's Ominis! Everyone knows about how his family uses the Dark Arts. Hence...scary."

Silence settled between them as Andromeda stayed quiet and continued to blankly stare at the two Gryffindors. Leander frowned and gave her a look of confusion. "Wait. You don't mean to tell us that you did not know and you're dating him!?!"

She slowly blinked and said, "Trust me. I am well aware of that subject matter."

Garreth shook his head in disbelief. "And that doesn't bother you?"

Andromeda was beginning to wonder what was taking Ominis so long after being interrogated by these two boys about her personal life. She has helped Garreth in potions and he seemed nice enough but she barely interacted with Leander outside classes. Why have these two taken a sudden interest in her dating Ominis?

"I'll tell you what's bothering me. The two of you taking a sudden interest in my dating life. May I ask where is this all coming from?"

Garreth pushed Leander forward to have him answer the question. It seemed that Leander had only brought Garreth as a reinforcement.

"It's just...we want to make sure that you were careful. It's difficult to tell where his loyalties lie and it wouldn't surprise me if he used some sort of Dark Magic to get you to like him."

Andromeda whipped her head around to glare directly at Leander. "I'm sorry. Could you repeat what you just said to me?" She could barely believe her ears as fire flew through her veins. Removing herself from the wall, she stepped closer to Leander with her hand by her side curled up in a ball. "Did you just say Ominis must have used Dark Magic on me?"

Leander shrunk away from her, stuttering as Andromeda kept getting closer to him. "We...We...Well, how else could he get a girl like you?! It doesn't make-"

Before Leander could even finish his sentence, Andromeda raised her arm and punched him straight in the face with her fist. She knocked him hard enough to throw him off balance and tumble to the floor. Garreth's mouth was wide open as he stared at the both of them in shock. "Merlin's Beard!"

Leander looked horrified as he covered his cheek with his hand. "What in God's name was that for!?!"

Andromeda's hand was stinging with pain and tried to shake it off. She grimaced with her eyes lowered at Leander. "How about you idiots mind your own business! When did I ever ask for your opinion about who should I be dating!? And where did you two get this idea that I was under some form of Dark Magic? Honestly, if this is what you lot discuss behind my back, I'm lucky to be with Ominis."

She quickly ran off before a crowd gathered around them and made her exit to the courtyard. It has been so long since she has felt so much anger. Carefully stretching her hand out, she inspected it for any injuries. "At least I didn't break it this time."

"This time?"

Andromeda jumped at the sound of her name and turned around to find Ominis standing right behind her.

Moments In BetweenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora