Chapter 2 Visiting the Son Family

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Chi-Chi says in an annoyed

Y/N:No he didn't Chi-Chi and as for why I'm here bardock can tell you all but I'm gonna go fishing at the nearby lake

I use my Omni powers to change my clothes to that of a fisherman outfit and conjure the appropriate fishing tools

I walk off to the nearby lake as bardock explains everything

3rd POV

Gine:so dear what exactly happened with the Omni Prince?

Bardock:right so you all remember Y/N attending a school right?

Raditz:we do father

Goten:if I also recall you said when you came back during summer break that the school has supernatural beings attending the school grandpa

Bardock:correct goten in any case Y/N was in a relationship with two girls during his time there they were named Xenovia Quarta a devil and Kalawarner a fallen angel

Hercule:what do you mean were?

Bardock:what I mean by that is that the two cheated on the Omni Prince with the biggest pervert of that school

Videl:you're kidding right?

Bardock:no I'm not

Grandpa Gohan:what happens next bardock?

Bardock:anyway a few days ago the prince was on his way to mine and Mira's class of physical education or P.E and on his to class he sensed his girlfriends in a empty classroom which after I asked where the perv was the Omni Prince told me where he might be at

Ox King:the worse part is coming isn't it?

Bardock:yes it is... I went to find the perv and when I did well price Y/Ns girlfriends were doing it with the perv

Chi-Chi:you don't mean....

Bardock nods his head

Gohan:I can't believe they would do that to him

Y/N:well it happened Gohan

The son family loook to see Omni Prince with two big coolers next to him

Y/N:Here bardock this cooler should give you all a descent meal for tonight

Bardock:you didn't have to do this Y/N

Y/N:Its the least I can do after you dealt with the shenanigans at the academy now I'll take this other one to Bulma and Vegeta so they can have a meal as well and My ex's and the perv are gone as they've been erased

Y/N changes his clothes back to his original clothes and flys to capsule corp

Over at Kuoh Academy

The two devil groups are seen chatting about what they witnessed

Rias:I can't believed that happened

Sona:well it happened rias but now you gotta find 8 pawns and a knight for your peerage

Before anymore a orange circle appears as does a red one

From the two circles two individuals appears

From the two circles two individuals appears

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Sirzechs:Hello rias

Rias:what brings you here brother?

Lady phoenix:we are here to find out what the rumors we've been hearing

Suddenly a large orb appears floating in the room the devils are Chatting in

Y/N appears on the other side of the orb

Rias/Sona:Your highness!

Both rias's and sona's group gets on a kneel and bows their head

Sirzechs:rias why are you and Sona bowing?

Y/N (Orb):Well Sirzechs you might know me as the human as Y/N L/N but that is very far from the truth

Lady phoenix:How so?

Y/N (Orb):tell me you know who the one who rules the multiverse is right

Sirzechs:I believe the one who rules the multiverse is called Omni king Zeno... But why asks that?

Y/N (Orb): allow me to properly introduce myself my name is Y/N L/N the Omni Prince son to Omni king Zeno and a Human woman

Y/Ns introduction shocks Sirzechs and Lady Phoenix which the two immediately kneel

Y/N (Orb):Now then as I'm sure you're wanting to know what happened to Xenovia and the fallen angel kalawarner along with Issei correct?

Lady Phoenix:yes your grace

Y/N (Orb):they are gone forever meaning their existence is completely dissolved for good

Sirzechs:you don't mean...

Rias:Yes that is exactly what his highness means brother

Y/N (Orb):oh and rias lady phoenix while I have the chance I need to speak to you both about someone from your race that is causing trouble over here

Rias/LP: Who?

LP=Lady Phoneix

Y/N informs them of what he was told by whis and Beerus

Sona:And you're positive he is doing this your highness?

Y/N (Orb):while I can't fully confirm that it's true i do have a firm justice to ensure no harm happens to anyone over here unless force is absolutely necessary

Sirzechs:We will look into it on our side my Lord

Y/N (Orb): Very well I'll chat with you all another time

The orb disappears and the devil groups go back to their normal activities


Shadow here and I want to apologize for what I said yesterday about upsaung a few stories so I hope you all can forgive me

Anyway enjoy the chapter and I'll see you all in the next one

Cheater DxD x Omni Male Reader x DBZ/S x Fairy TailМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя