001. dwight style

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Madelyn's eyes watered as she watched her parents, who seemed so happy and in love. Gale and Dewey were perfectly imperfect and Madelyn wished that they had worked out.

"Isn't she beautiful?" Gale looked at the camera before glancing up at her husband. "She has your eyes."

"She has your smile." Dewey observed as baby Madelyn smiled smally.

"I can tell she's going to be just like you." Gale stated.

"She definitely going to have your attitude." Dewey teased the woman, who laughed softly.

"We'll be proud of her either way." Gale shrugged.

"I am and will always be proud of her, till I day I die and longer." Dewey nodded.

Madelyn scrunched her nose up to stop herself from letting the tears fall from her eyes as the screen turned to black. She let out a shaky breath, deciding to pick another tape to watch. She picked one from 2010, putting it in and pressing play.

The camera clicked on to reveal Dewey Riley, stood outside of the Riley family home. He waved to the camera before turning it to reveal Gale, who was packing their car, them all clearly going on some sort of holiday. Dewey laughed softly at his stressed wife before turning the camera to his six year old daughter, who had her backpack on her bag and her hair done in braids, ready to leave.

"Where you going Mads?" Dewey asked her.

"Road trip! Road trip!" Madelyn cheered.

"We are going to Miami, which is like a 40 hour drive from here so we're doing it over three days." Dewey explained. "Let's go."

The camera then cut to black, moving to Madelyn holding the camera in the back of the car. She waved to the camera, holding her finger to her lips and whispering. "Hi guys! Mum and Dad don't know I have the camera." She let out a small giggle. "I've been eating sweets in the back and Mum is driving and keeps shouting at Dad before he keeps giving her the wrong directions."

Madelyn watched the rest of the tape with a smile on her face. It simply being her and her family having the best time on their first holiday together. She remembers that holiday and cherishes it every day. When it finishes she decides to watch one more.

She picks a tape on it that doesn't have any date, putting it in the machine and pressing play.

The camera is clicked on revealing a four year old Madelyn Riley. She had a smile on her face as she held her arms out to the camera. "I'm Madelyn Riley and I start preschool today!"

"Good job." Dewey praised.

The camera then changed to reveal a five year old Madelyn, a smile on her face as she held her arms out, a boy stood next to her. "I'm Madelyn Riley, this is Wes Hicks and we finished preschool today!"

The camera changed once more to a five year old Madelyn, Wes and another boy that had joined the group. "Hey I'm Madelyn."

"I'm Wes."

"And this is Nick." Madelyn pointed to him. "We start kindergarten today."

The videos continued all the way through primary school. It then clicked to a video of an eleven year old Madelyn, Wes, Nick and two other girls and another boy.

"Hey it's Mads." Madelyn smiled.



"And this is Tara, Amber, Mindy and Chad. And this is middle school day one."

The video changed once more, showing Madelyn in navy blue lace dress and Wes in a pair of jeans and a shirt.

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