Chapter 10

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Lexi's POV

I paused looking at Jeremy, pleading... hoping he wasn't going to hate me forever. "Jermery... it's not what you think--" I walk to him but he takes step backs which stops me.

"What am I too think? That you're Kol's daughter? A thousand year old vampire! " he said angrily

I felt my lungs go dry as I try to say "I may be a thousand year old vampire and kol's daughter but what we had was real."

He looks at me. "How do I know you're telling the truth? You're part of their family! You could've used me to get the cure, weren't you!" He yelled pointing at Rebekah, Klaus, and Kol.

I shook my head. "No.. no. I wasn't using you --"

"Please just go. I don't want to see your face." He says turning away.

I stand there watching him walk inside the lake house with Matt following behind. My lungs go dry and my heart is slowly freezing. I spot Damon looking at me with his blue sincere eyes. I look at Klaus, Rebekah... then Kol.

They stare at me apologetically. I felt my heart break a little and a tear escape from my eyes. I tried to wipe it away but my hands dont move but stare at the spot Jeremy left.

"Lexi, I never meant for you to cry--" Kol comes to my view. I look at him and push his hand away as he tries to touch me.

"Never what? Break my heart?" I said before I know it tears fall more and more.

"No. I never make you cry. I was just trying to be a father, I heard you scream through Damon's phone. I though you were in trouble, hurt. I wanted to get--" 

"You've done enough." I said harshly backing up my distance from him. "I don't need a father. Not anymore." I look at Damon and Rebekah then Klaus then back to Kol. "I never asked for a father or a family." I whispered shaking my head.

"Lexi..." Kol whispered but I blurred far from there. Far and Far not wanting to hear every beat of my heart breaking. Jeremy's words echo in my head over and over again.

Kol's POV

I watch the spot Lexi blurred away. I turned to Klaus.

"Well, brother. That was interesting..." Klaus smirked.

"I didn't want her to hate me. I was just trying to protect her." I admitted.

"Protect her from the one she loves? " Rebekah questioned. "You are not to distant a girl in love, her hate will just grow stronger. " She added.

I look at both of them then sighed. "What should I do? " 

"Apologize." Rebekah said.

I looked at her and chuckled a little. "Rebekah, darling. You know I can not do that."

Rebekah smirked then walked over patting my shoulder. "Well, brother. Guess you'll just have to live the rest of your life with no daughter and regret." She said.

My smile faded and glare into Rebekah's eyes. " She wont..."

"Oh, she will. We hated our father for thousands of years and if she's anything like you she'll probably hate you for two-thousand years." Klaus smirked walking over.

"You better fix this Kol, or you'll just have to live with a daughter hating you for the rest of eternity." Rebekah said.  "Come on Klaus, let's go to the Grill." I watch them walk away together and stand there by myself staring at the lake then the ground deciding what I was going to do...

Lexi's POV

I was still running until someone blured grabbing me stopping me. I fought back shouting and the tears just fell as I tried to fight back.

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