Part 1

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"How is he?" you ask, watching an exhausted Ominis easily navigate the Sallow's home. It hadn't occurred to you that when you'd met Anne for the first time that the home you were visiting was Solomon's, the singular room inadequate for three. Now that you knew the whole truth of it, of their uncle's fall from grace, of their parents' corruption... you suddenly understood why he hadn't invited you to the home he'd grown up in.

When you'd arrived for the holiday, you found Ominis tidying as best he could, setting things right from a memory he had painted in that brilliant mind of his. You'd helped, of course, taking care to ensure that the filth and grime that had lingered from their parent's neglect was quickly Scourgified away.

By the time it was all said and done, the two of you had set the whole place right. If only you could have done the same for Sebastian.

"Asleep, thankfully," Ominis replied, sitting on the other end of the small couch with far less grace than you might have expected. "Made him take two sleeping draughts, just to be safe."

You exhaled, grateful that he'd managed to get Sebastian to sleep. After the end-of-year ceremonies, Sebastian had attempted to hide himself away from the world, drinking away the pain. A swift owl from Ominis had you in Feldcroft by the end of the day, prepared to do whatever it took to keep Sebastian from spiraling.

"Well, that ought to be enough to keep the nightmares away at least."

Exhausted, both physically and emotionally, you toyed with the idea of taking two or three sleeping draughts yourself. "Don't suppose you have any left?"

"Unfortunately, no," Ominis answered, turning to face you, tracking the sound of your voice before a slight smirk pulled out at his lips. "But we do have plenty of Solomon's whiskey."

Not entirely sure the youngest Gaunt wasn't a Legimens like the rest of his family, the prospect of spending the night chasing away your own demons with fire whiskey seemed far more appealing than a peaceful night's sleep.

"Care to share?"

"Of course," he answered without missing a beat, ever the gentleman. You watched as deft fingers pulled the cork of a nearly new bottle, the house you'd spent the better part of a day cleaning seemingly filled with them. "Would you like me to transfigure you a glass?"

Grateful he couldn't see your blush, you needlessly shook your head. "No need."

Gingerly taking the bottle from his hand, your fingers momentarily brushing, you weren't entirely certain a slight electric shock hadn't passed between you. Not daring to linger, you swigged the bottle up, letting the burn of the liquor drive away foolish thoughts.

"Ah, I see," he teased, no doubt sensing that you were wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. "Very ladylike."

Humming to keep from coughing, you deflected, "We both know I hold no particular penchant for propriety."

"Feeling the alliteration tonight, are we?" Ominis asked, blond brow raised.

Smiling, you set the bottle of whiskey down, shifting in your seat to face him fully. "If I'm to spend the summer holiday with a wordsmith such as yourself, I'll need to start somewhere."

Ominis scoffed, disbelief written across his beautiful features. "Wordsmith? Hardly."

You rolled your eyes, exhaling slightly. "For someone whose hearing is so adept, you clearly haven't been listening to yourself."

Humming, no doubt stopping himself from some biting comment, Ominis settled back into the worn cushions.

It was a comfortable sort of silence you two sat in, listening to the fire crack. Entirely unnecessary, you'd elected to light it while Ominis was checking in on Sebastian, hoping the small home wouldn't become too warm during the early summer night; still, it made the house homier, something it sorely needed.

"Any word from Anne?" you asked, thinking how she too might have lit the fire if only for the aesthetic of it all.

"Not today," Ominis answered, shaking his head lightly. "Though, she had warned me that with her relocation, it might take some time to settle in."

You'd suspected as much, but hearing the truth of it settled a niggling feeling that had been bothering you for some weeks now.

"That's good."

"Are you ever going to tell him?"

You weighed Ominis's question, not needing him to elaborate. What you'd done was of no great consequence to you so you'd seen no reason to announce it to the world; with the exception of present company and Professor Weasley, you doubted anyone outside of the Ministry knew or cared.

"One day, perhaps." You knew Sebastian would discover the truth in due time, but that was something for your future self to sort out. "Once they're both healed, I think."

"It's no small thing what you've done for them. I owe you a debt of gratitude I'll never be able to repay."

Grateful Ominis was unable to see your face, you nearly snapped, "You owe me nothing."

Truthfully what you'd done had been entirely for Anne, a promise you were determined to keep. The fact that it comforted Sebastian and clearly gave Ominis peace of mind was mere consolation.

"Though, I'll gladly take your friendship," you added, so looking forward to a fresh start.

Ominis made a rueful face. "That I wish I'd been a better friend to you before now."

"There's plenty of time yet," you assured him.

He hummed thoughtfully, caught in some inner debate you weren't privy to. Finally, after a moment's contemplation, Ominis slapped his knee, clearly decided on whatever it was he was thinking of. "Now, pass me that bottle."

You smiled before saying, "I take you'll want that glass, then?"

"What was it you said about propriety?" he asked, gently taking the bottle back from you as you passed it over.

"That I have none?"

"Right," he inhaled, smelling the whiskey before making a slight face. "Well. To a lack of propriety."

He raised the bottle in a mock toast before swigging the contents, no doubt feeling the same burn if his face was anything to go by.

"And to fast friendships," you added.

Ominis smiled. "Well said."

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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