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"Is that all?"


Scared. Unconfident. Incompetent.

Rome stands up, buttons his suit. What he hated the most is wasting his time with sh*tty things.

"Mr. Reyes."

"Yes, s-sir?" He's shaking in fear.

"You and your team are all fired."

Rome decides to fire them because he doesn't need those kind of employees in his company. He leaves the presentation room and his secretary, Gaille, follows him behind.

"What's my next schedule?"

"You have a meeting with Mr. Ocampo two hours from now, and a proposal meeting with the strategy team at three."

"How about the papers I needed to sign?"

"It's on your desk, boss," Rome's phone rings. He immediately answers it when he sees the recipient.

"Any update?"

"Sir, I apologize, but---"

"I need that land. I want it!" He's desperate. "Do whatever you can. I don't care how much it will cost."

"But sir, the owner doesn't have any plan on selling it."

"What? Who's the owner?" He suddenly stops walking when one of the employees trips in front of him.


"S-Sorry, s-sir."

"Fired," He says without hesitation, ruthless indeed. He's in the middle of an earnest conversation, and that employee has the confidence to trip on his way.

"Who is it again?" Rome asks his right hand, Finn.

"Anonymous, sir."

"Don't call until you settle it. If I hear another negative news from you, don't ever step in my company."

"Sir---" He immediately ends the call and hands the phone to Gaille. He doesn't want any disturbance during work hours especially if it's not really important.


"Yes, sir?"

"Make sure that I will not see that employee again." He orders while checking the time on his wristwatch. Gaille opens the office door for her boss.

"Noted, sir." They halt at the office door when Rome heard a voice of a kid, echoing in his office.

"Put a lot of cheese. Yes. Deliver it within ten minutes. I'll add. Thank you."

He arched his brow while looking at the kid sitting on his chair like a boss.

'What the hell is that kid doing in my office!?'

"Who are you?"

He hate kids. They are annoying as hell. How did a kid enter his office? He thought of firing the security in charge because of not doing their jobs right.

"Finally, you're here."

Rome thinks that the kid will fall when he goes down from his chair but the kid manages to step on the floor without sweat.

"Gaille, you know what to do." He glares at the sight of the kid before removing his coat and hanging it on the rack.

"Kid, are you lost? You shouldn't be here---"

"I am not." The kid ignores Gaille, and faces Rome who doesn't give him at least a glance. "This office is yours, right, Mr. De Herrera?"

'He talks like an old man.'

Heir of a BillionaireTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon