Taylor noticed what Freya was trying to do and gently lifted her by the hips setting her on the counter, causing the brit to blush a little as Taylor went back to cooking, acting like it was nothing.

"That was sickly sweet" Sam made a face at the interaction.

"Stop avoiding or I'll tell the rest of the story" Freya called her brunette friend out.

Sam sighed playfull as if it were the worst thing in the world "We went back to the party after and I had a massive hickey on my next probably bigger than the ones Freya thinks she's hiding under that hoodie" She pointed to the brits neck causing the blonde to flush instantly.

"And Maddie asked who gave me that and I just brushed it off and didn't say it was her brother and she was all like I bet I can do better than that and then I ended up sleeping with her too?" Sam answered in more of a question.

"Damn girl" Taylor chuckled "I'm guessing she found out and you too fell out?"

"Uh no? She still doesn't know I'm taking that to the grave, she just went to uni up in Manchester and we just didn't really stay in touch but she's back now and well yea" Sam shrugged.

"What are you gonna do if she finds out?" Freya asked not realising that after all these years Maddie didn't know.

"She won't" Sam shot daggers at Freya, "Matthew doesn't know either so he won't tell her and anyway Matt lives in Australia now" Sam shrugged "And the only other people that know are you too and I may not have the opportunity or status to give you NDA forms but consider this my version of one"

"Noted" Freya nodded

"I don't know the girl so your secrets safe with me" Taylor nodded leaning back against the counter next to where Freya was sitting. Freya subconsciously draping her arm on the singers shoulder.

"Monopoly after dinner? For old time sakes?" Sam asked as Taylor began to plate up the chicken curry and rice.



Freya and Taylor spoke at the same time "Babe" Taylor pouted "why not it'll be fun"

"Because Sam cheats!" Freya excused.

"I do not!" Sam defended "You just lose and I just win"

Taylor chuckled "Maybe you'll be lucky this time baby"

"Fine but I wanna be the penguin" Freya mumbled

"Hat" Sam called dibs

Taylor nodded as she handed Sam her plate before helping Freya off the counter and carrying both their plates to the already set table. "I'll be the car" Taylor nodded

The trio sat and ate dinner while discussing monopoly tactics and what each girl thought buying what would give you the easier win.


"Babe, Sam do you want anything" Taylor called into the living room where the pair were setting up the board game.

"We're good thanks honey" Freya called back as she sorted the money into piles with her one hand, while Sam sorted the plastic houses into a pile of green ones and red ones.

10 minutes later the three girls were sat around the monopoly board each with their small stack of money.

"Pay up" Taylor stretched her hand out to Sam.

"You don't even own that?!" Sam shook her head.

"Liverpool Street station yes I do" Taylor smiled wickedly holding out the card for Sam to see "and I have kings cross too so that'll be 50 please" Taylor smiled innocently keeping her hand outstretched.

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