Abusive husband taekook ff part 5

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After 6-7 hours long journey all came to house and after freshing up all had some snacks and all went to take some rest as they said to jungkook they're going to meet grandpa in some days doctor didn't give the permission to go there
In jungkooks bedroom
Jk: ahh it was so long journey i won't come back here once I meet grandpa and go to city
(But who knows what is going to happen in his life that it is going to turn upside down)
After few days
(Sorry I am very lazy to write every ditail like when he eat when he sleeps and other bla bla bla shits )
In morning jungkook wake up did his morning routine and come downstairs and saw everyone rushing here and there decoring mansion jungkook being confused asked to one of maid she said there is wedding going to held today jungkook was still confused he was going to ask further just then seomi come and said
Sm: Jungkook what are you doing here me and mom are searching you from long time
Jk: me! Why? and whose wedding is going to held today
Sm: oo come on jungkook we don't have time for this question and answer let's go mom is waiting for you.
Jk: but ....
Sm: no buts let's go
In make up room
Msj: come quickly jungkook take this clothes and wear it
Jk: why ? Is this wedding suit
Msj: yes go and wear it and don't you dare to utter a word from your mouth
Jk: WHAT!!!! What the heck is happening here we came here for grandpa, right mom, then what is this don't tell me you lied to me about grandpas health
Msj: we didn't lie about grandpas health actually he is the one who told us to do this , he wanted to see you married before he takes his last breath and.....
Gp: what is happening here , jungkook what is this you didn't get ready till now hurry up the groom will be here any time
Jk: but grandpa....
Mj: didn't you listen jungkook what grandpa saide go hurry up
...........................(SLAP) jungkook was standing still while holding his chick he too shocked.
MJ: I am silent doesn't mean you will raise your voice on me UNDERSTAND go get ready before I kill you here
Jk: (lowly) then kill me dad it is better to die than marrying someone who is not jack
Mj: (while holding jungkooks hair) shut up just shut up dare to take his name and you will my worst side
Msj: i already know that something is fishy didn't know that this fruit of our love and care he was giving us i am so ashamed to be his mother..
Jk pov: love and care do you even know the meaning of love and care , i was fool to believe that you will understand me my family will understand me but no i was wrong , why just why it's always me what will I tell this to jack how will be his reaction why just why I came here with this selfish people
After sometime
( Make up artist were doing jungkooks make up while jungkook was sitting silently in his thoughts he was numb he didn't know what to do suddenly he remember something he took his phone and was going to text jack but someone snatch his phone from him)
Jk: what the f... Mom
Msj: yeah it's me
Jk: give me my phone back mom
Msj: no now this phone doesn't belong to you your in laws will give one
Jk: ok but just give me for some seconds
Msj: don't act smart i know you gonna text your lover and then run away from wedding
(She left from there and jungkook was crying his heart out)
At wedding venue
Jungkook came downstairs with his dad who was holding his hand they started to walk towards stage where the groom was standing with cold face Mr Jeon give jungkooks hand to him
Mj: please take care of my son he is very precious me ( with fake tears )
Jk pov :(while looking at mj with teary eyes)how fake he is
???: Hmm I will
Jungkook didn't look up for second he was just in dellima thinking what to do
Priest : so let's start the retuals
( I don't know much about it so I'm gonna write in short)
Priest: do you KIM TAEHYUNG take Jeon jungkook as your lawful husband
Th: ( with cold and emotionless voice) yes i do
Priest: do you Jeon jungkook take Kim taehyung as your lawful husband
(Jungkook was silent he actually didn't listen what priest said from starting, everyone started whispering , taehyung was just looking at him Coldly , mrs Jeon came and said in jungkooks ear while pinching making jungkook come back on earth and making him groan with pain)
Msj: what are you doing jungkook just say I do (said while glaring at him jungkook just look at her with teary eyes thinking how could be a mother this much heartless)
Priest: I'll repeat myself do you Jeon jungkook take Kim taehyung as your lawful husband
Jk: ye...yes i..i do (said with teary eyes)
Priest: I anounce you both husband and husband you may kiss now
Taehyung come forward and kiss jk without any permission or emotion while jungkook was crying, he never imagined that this day would feel like this when you don't have the person beside you who you wished to marry

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