Week 2

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After the weekend Sophie and Leo both missed each-other. They were both too nervous to admit it. Leo had been on Sophie's mind for two days non stop. She almost felt homesick from this. Sophie had been on Leo's mind as-well.

Am the following Monday at school, Leo looked scared. Sophie noticed something was off as soon as she saw him. She ran up to him to give him a hug but he flinched. At that moment Sophie knew. She offered Leo to stay at her place for a few days and of course he accepted. Later that day Leo told Sophie that he didn't feel safe going back home alone. Sophie held him as he cried.

Tuesday morning Leo woke up in Sophie's arms still being held in her bed. He didn't move. Sophie eventually woke up and realized that Leo was still there. They lied there awake for 10 minutes trying not to break what they had. They both blushed as he got out of her arms. He thanked her for being there for him and holding him while he cried. She knew it didn't really fix anything but, she hoped it help a bit. That day at school Leo was very awkward around Sophie. He felt too vulnerable but, Sophie knew she would keep their secret.

That night Sophie lay in her bed worrying about Leo. She then went to where he was staying and sat on his bed, playing with his hair while he slept. She knew she shouldn't but, how could she resist touching his silky chestnut hair. She later beside him thinking about him. She felt something she hadn't felt before. She then realized that she may be in love.

For the next few days Leo stayed at Sophie's as he dreaded the day he would have to go back home. He was comforted by Sophie's presence, but knew that she could leave him if she wanted. He was worried that she would let him get attached then leave but he kept quite. Sophie thought about Leo 24/7 but a lot of that was worries. She knew that he liked being her friend but could they be more that that?

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