Chapter- 10 Blind Date

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It was a few nights later, and Sero had a fake smile plastered on his face as he walked beside a girl who honestly hadn't shut the fuck up about herself in the last two hours of the most painful date he had ever been on.

"Here let me get that for you," he said coordually as he pulled open the door to the bakery she had wanted to go to.

Kaede Tanaki stopped in her tracks. "Why're you doing that?"

"Why am I doing what? Opening the door for you?" Sero squinted in confusion. "Because I want to?"

"But why? Do you think I can't open my own doors?"

Dear god, kill me now. I can't deal with another uppity feminist. Ten years was plenty. Sero tried to shove aside his dislike for the unnecessarily overly assertive women and smiled, "I don't think that at all. I was just trying to be nice. Please, go ahead."

"Absolutely not. I can get it myself."

Sero looked at the people whispering behind them. "Tanaki, please, just head inside. We're holding others up."


Sero closed his eyes and avoided the fight by sighing, "Okay I'll go first."

He walked in but held the door for those behind him. When he gave the kind older woman and her husband behind him a small cordial smile, Tanaki gaped at him blatantly enough that he wondered. "What?"

"That is so toxic."

"What is?

"You! You're the epitome of toxic masculinity."

Sero's handsome face crinkled in true distaste. After agreeing to a blind date set up by his mother, Sero was surprised by the rather unpleasant person but this way he didn't feel too bad about possibly sacrificing her to the pushy overbearing Latina matriarchs of his family. However, he was finding it nearly unbearable to spend any amount of time with Tanaki.

He had removed all of his facial jewelry including the simple black studs he usually wore on his ears for her since she has made it perfectly clear how much she disliked them, so he felt rather naked as he scratched his head self-consciously. "Listen, I'm not trying to be toxic. My dad just taught me to treat women respectfully. I was just trying to be nice to the people behind us."

"But you went before me."

"Because you didn't want me to hold open the door for you?"

"But you were still supposed to let me go first."

"But we were inconveniencing others?"

She crossed her arms over her chest and gasped, "so you're saying they are more important than me?"

"What? When did I say that?"

"Just now. Don't try and gaslight me into thinking I didn't hear you loud and clear."

Sero honestly looked around for cameras, for he was sure this had to be a huge prank. When a surprise producer or Kaminari didn't jump out saying he was being punked, he admitted, "Tanaki, I'm sorry but this isn't-"

"You know what, I think we need a breather." She gave him a tight dismissive smile. "I'm going to the restroom." Sero was almost thankful for her absence until she had the audacity to stop and add, "oh and I'll take a large taro ice tea with extra tapioca."

"This entitled bitch," Sero laughed to himself in disbelief.

He felt someone tap on his shoulder, and he turned to see the sweet lady from out front. She cupped her hand and whispered, "I'm sorry dear, I don't mean to overstep, but are you alright? Your wife is being very rude to you."

Stygian  Seduction  (Hanta Sero x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang