Eye Contact

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Today was just another day at Camp Half-Blood, the wind was blowing, the sun was shinning ( thankfully not very bright ), the campers were having fun and fighting. I like living here, I can contact Reyna and Hazel whenever I want, I have friends, I don't have to be always on the run, each day less people are afraid of me... It's good. But today as I do in many days I did not felt like doing anything, it was a lazy day, of course I do take the activities here in CHB very seriously but ahhh sometimes you just gotta rest.

I went out of the Hades cabin for a walk, after a while when I was far enough from the rest of people I laid down on the grass and watched the skies, alone as always( ever since Bianca has gone I've been lonely even now when I do have friends I still kinda solitare), naturally all the life in the floor vanished as I even touched it, I used to get mad with that but now it doesn't bother me anymore, I just accept it as part of me. At that moment maybe you could say I wasn't doing anything but it's not the truth. Thinking I was, relaxing I was, resting I was, watching the clouds I was... When he came

- Here you are! - said Will Solace

- What do you want? - I answered rashly while sitting down

- Wow just wanted to check up on you, to see if you are alright... well now that I see how thankful you are for this I think I should get going after all...

- Sorry- I cut him off - I didn't mean to be rude

- It's okay, even though I know you did.

I tried to fix things up, so without thinking very much I said

- Have a nice day - nico you stupid he seemed surprised but didn't changed his tone of voice when he said:

- You too, see you around

So he went away, and I watched him go. And only when he was far enough not the hear me I said the words that really shown how I has feeling at the moment:


There was some awkward tension between Will Solance and me ever since he grabbed my hand in the battle. When we are in the same room I want him to leave so badly and when he does I just want him to came back... I caught myself thinking of him serval times during the day, I began to notice things he do, and I realized that I like the way he fix his golden shinning hair, I like the way his eyes turn when he is worried, I like the way he talks to me, I like his big smile and how his eyes shine when he laughs WHY DO I EVEN NOTICE THIS THINGS? IT MAKES NO SENSE ARGHH. There is this thing about him I can't forget... I don't know what it is...

Anyway I don't wanna things to get messy with us, but I can't help but shut him out... ever since Bianca is gone I do that to most people... Nowdays I try so hard not to do it but I can't stop, it feels like an illness I can't escape. Maybe time will heal me, but I am "cured" will things still be the same?.... Will it be too late?


I was so hungry my stomach was hurting. Yeah it's time for lunch. I ran to the big house passing demigods so fast but I can still hear a girl saying how she is happy to pass the whole year at the camp and don't go to school. I never went to school, guess I wouldn't like it anyway.

Arriving I say hi to Quiron and get a plate, I ain't eating much comparing to the other half bloods, but compared to what I was eating two mouths ago it seems like a real banquet. I sit alone in a table as usual but a tall skinny girl with pale skin, black hair and black eyes stand in front of me

- Hey my name's Gaby I am new around... Can I sit with you?- she asks

- Sure - I answer kinda surprised

- Thank you - she says smiling and sitting down

I am surprised because most campers don't share a table with me if they have a chance to not do so, but she stays so still and quiet I can even easily pretend she is not here. I can see Will in the other side of the room, he is talking and laughing with some of Apollo cabin guys (boys and girls), for a moment I let myself stare at him, but at some point he looks straight at me and I almost die; I can feel my face burning so hard I must be sooo red. I quickly look away and began to eat very fast trying to pretend that it didn't happen.

As I finished eating I said bye to the girl ( who kindly answered while putting rice in her mouth ) and walked out of the cafeteria, not looking at where Will was sitting, to do some activities. I didn't want to be an useless sac of tainted potatoes [A/N: My mom calls me that all the time LOL(i don't really mind c= ] after all I'm a demigod, gotta keep my body strong.

By the end of the day I was so tired and my muscles were hurting so much I just fell in bed, I couldn't even think of anything before falling asleep and I just wished to have normal dreams.


















HOPE YOU LIKE IT ( hope someone read it). It's like the first serious fanfic I've written in my live soo pls go easy on me guys!

I am posting chapter two when this have 10 views I guess bc the second one is already done ( i wrote it during class hehehehe)

I apolagize for any grammar ou spelling mistakes :( I will fix them as soon as possible. And I guess I should tell you I say way too many bad words ( or at least that's what people tell me) I'm trying to reduce it but still... If it piss you off I'm sorry, really. Just saying.

Since it's chapter one I'm going to tell a little bit of my plans for this story...

No vilans or main adventures... Just some CHB games and things that crack and get like really fucked up so yeah... AND I'VE GOT 2 BIG SURPRISES FOR YOU AS WELL IN THE ENDING OF THE STORY AND THEY WILL BE LIKE DA BOMB!

So that's basically it.

If you really read till here, thank you really. YOU ARE AMAZING AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!

Take some cookies with Ice Cream (yummy) and enjoy my love heheh

With hope at last,


Dark Sunshine  #JustWriteItOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz