Chapter- 9 Woops

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Sero and Yun sat in the front of the blacked out vehicle while Elise bounced her knee anxiously in the back. When Sero's midnight black eyes caught hers in the rearview mirror, she snickered, "I'm surprised you're back."

Sero looked at Yun questioningly.

"Don't worry about him. I trust him with my life, but Yun, can you put in your AirPods? Please?"

"Of course, ane-san!" the very young man chirped obediently.

Once Sero heard incredibly loud K-Pop blaring from the wireless earphones, he asked, "why are you surprised I'm back?"

"Because I gave you a rather large dose of what this world can be like- my world, rather."

Sero placed his forearm on the steering wheel and drummed his long fingers against the consol thoughtfully. "That's true, but you've also gone out of your way to encourage me numerous times even though there was absolutely nothing for you to gain for doing that. You've shown me more kindness than many people I've met. That, to me, means enough to outweigh the shock factor of the other night's actions."

In a very rare moment of earnestness, Elise smiled demurely, "Well....I'm glad you're back."

Sero once more looked at her in the rearview mirror. "Yeah, I am too." When he began to blush, he quickly looked away and cleared his throat. "But umm- where- where do you want to go?"

"The pancake house."

"Really?! You don't want to go somewhere nicer for dinner?" He eyed her designer minidress and priceless heels. "I'd be happy to take you anywhere- my treat for not being in touch these last few days. You're dressed nicely enough to go wherever you'd like."

"I'm sure, sunshine. I don't have time for those tiny portion sizes. A bitch is hungry, so chop chop Mr. driver."

She gave him a saucy smirk before turning her attention back to her numerous emails. In true amusement Sero chuckled, "yes ma'am!"

Once parked, Sero said, "stay there. I'll get your door."

"This man, I swear," Elise whispered in disbelief as Sero got out and jogged around to the back of the car. He opened the door for her and held out his hand. "Ane-san."

"So damn cute," she critiqued.

"Thank you!"

When Sero gave her that huge toothy smile she was growing to adore, she slapped away his hand now that she was on her feet. "Don't look so proud of yourself, stupid sunny man."

"I can't help it. I am proud to be out with you right now." Sero was on cloud nine as he strode ahead of her and opened the diner's door for her and Yun.

Elise headed over to Sero's usual booth and slid in while Yun wandered over to the bartop. Sero sat across from Elise, and he felt true happiness as they fell back into the comfortable routine of ordering coffee and food from Old Man Lou.

Once they had steaming cups of joe in hand, Elise asked bluntly, "do you have any questions for me?"

"More than you can imagine," Sero chuckled in honesty. "But selfishly, I just want to enjoy this night with you."

"Yeah, I get that," she replied softly. "It feels nice to just be...Elise."

He reached across the table and picked up her smaller hand. Sero ran his thumb across her knuckles sweetly. "When you're with me, I want you to be comfortable enough to be exactly who you want to be."

Her narrow orange eyes creased in happiness as she nodded. "That'd be nice."

"You're the one that said we're friends, doll, and friends don't try to be someone they aren't. They're allowed to just be, ya know? No titles, no games, no double agendas. We can just sit here, eat fluffy pancakes, and enjoy one another's company. How does that sound?"

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