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Universes are vast and wide. They hide inside the multiverse. This is the story of just one of those universes.

A brown haired boy with glasses sits on a bus surrounded by screaming people. You see, this boy is Peter parker. And his life is going to vastly change soon. But for now, he is a normal boy. Let's peer into his mind.

"I wish I didn't have to listen to this. For one day, I wanted some actual peace and quiet." Peter thought. See, this is his end of freshman year field trip and the start of summer. Everyone, including Peter, was happy, but this last day was supposed to be quiet, but everyone was making that incredibly difficult.

"Lighten up Parker it's the end of the year. Enjoy these last few hours." A feminine voice said. Peter looked up and saw A red haired girl. She had green eyes and was wearing a black hoodie. She pulled Peter from his seat and pulled him to the front of the bus.

At the front, a blonde boy talked to his friends but stopped when he saw the girl.

"Hey, Mj. Who is that?" The boy asked.

"Flash, this is Peter." Mj says and sits Peter down in an empty seat. Peter began listening more intently to the conversation and still felt as uncomfortable. He knew flash. He had known him since the first day of school

Flashback: Peter's head was slammed into a locker by Flash. As Peter tried to get up, Flash pushed him back down and took his backpack.

"What you got in this nerd." Flash said as he pulled out Peter's wallet. Flash opened it and saw it was empty.

"Why is it so empty? No inheritance from your parents?" Flash said as he threw the wallet down and walked off. A few minutes later, Peter was walked up by Mj, and this is how they got here.

The bus screeches to a halt. The doors open, and the teacher steps forward and begins announcing groups.

"Everyone will be in groups of four." The teacher says as he begins to call names.

"Harry Osborn, Peter parker, Mary Jane Watson, and Eugene Thompson." Peter winced when he heard Flashs name called.

"I have to spend my last few hours of school with him? Why?" Peter thought as he walked off of the bus with his group. Harry Osborn, a boy with ginger hair, walked up to peter.

Harry has been Peter's friend for years. The two had done just about everything together and were considered inseparable by every.

"You good pete?" Harry asked, incredibly concerned. He knew his friend didn't like being in a group with flash.

"Yeah, I'm good. I'm perfect, actually." Peter said. He looked for something to take his attention away from flash.

"Did you know Mj's name was Mary Jane?" Peter said. Harry looked slightly concerned but followed the conversation as they walked.

"No idea." Harry said as they walked into the building. Peter, Harry, and Mj stuck together the whole time while flash snuck off to his friends.

"OK, everyone, the field trip is almost over, so we will watch an experiment performed by Doctor Kurt Connors." The teacher said as she stepped down, allowing a blonde man with one arm to step forward.

"Hello, everyone. Today, you will watch a demonstration of my new device. Known as the particle destabilizer." Doctor Connors said as he removed the two giant tarps behind him. Two giant cannon looking devices pointed at each other.

On the roof, a spider climbs across and drops onto a support beam. Down below Doctor Connors continues talking.

"This destabilizes the atoms in something's body so it can be bound to another thing." Doctor Connors said as he turned the devices on. The spider jumped down and felt itself being forced apart and then pushed back together.

The spider begins to shake and contort on the ground before crawling to the nearest person. That person being Peter.

"This is really interesting. I wonder how ouch!" Peter yelped as he felt something bite his hand. The spider that bit him then died.

As the demonstration ends, Peter walks out and collapses as he gets to a seat. The bus begins to move, causing Peter to feel even more sick. As the bus screeched to a halt in front of the school where everyone got off. Mj walks up to peter, who looks incredibly nauseous.

" You ok tiger?" Mj asked. Peter simply looked up and put his thumb up. Mj pulled a honeybun out of her pocket and gave it to Peter.

"Thanks." Peter said. As he bit down and swallowed the honeybun, it immediately came back up.

"OK, you're obviously not ok. We need to get you home." Mj said as she wrapped Peter's arm around her body and began walking him home. They walked for miles. Into and then out of the city all the way to queens. Mj knocked on the door and waited until eventually Uncle Ben opened the door.

"Hey, Mj. How are you doing?" Uncle Ben then looks down at Peter, whose shoes were dirty from being dragged across the ground from not being able to walk.

"Peter, are you ok?" Uncle Ben asked as he took Peter from Mj.

"I don't know. He was fine during the field trip but after he looked sick so I brought him here." Mj said. Aunt May walked from upstairs and to the front door.

"Ben, what happened? Is Peter OK?" She asked. Uncle Ben said goodbye to Mj and set Peter down in his bed.

Inside Peter's mind, he was falling into a pit of spiders. He wasn't in pain. In a way, it even felt sort of good, but Peter knew he had to wake up. He had to, or something else would take his body.

Peter screamed himself awake. Aunt May sat next to him and a cold towel on his forehead.

"Peter? Peter!" Aunt May yelled, causing Uncle Ben to rush into the room. All three of them hugged each other.

"OK, let's give the boy his space. He just woke back up." Uncle Ben said Aunt May agreed but not before placing a kiss on Peter's forehead.

"That was a weird dream." Peter said as he grabbed his phone to check the time. The day is what really caught him off guard.

"Wait, Sunday. I've been out for 3 days?" Peter said. He almost dropped his phone but didn't. Well, more like, couldn't. The phone was stuck to his palm and was moving no matter how much Peter moved his hands.

"Oh no." Peter said.

the tale of Peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now