4 | One for the Money, Two for the Show

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"No, you don't understand

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"No, you don't understand. I am invited. Please can you just check with your manager? There's usually a guest list to these types of things right? Check that," Tilly pleaded to the security guard who was denying her entry into the charity gala.

She had rushed her afternoon meetings in order to arrive on time tonight, leaving work to pick up the Oscar de la Renta dress she had organised to rent. She picked it up on the way home, showered, shaved and blow dried her hair before tackling her makeup. The dress at full retail price was close to $17,000 so she was relieved that renting it was $1200 for the night plus a security bond using her credit card in case of damages. It was the most beautiful dress she'd ever had the privilege to wear, a simple black off the shoulder gown with intricate boning down the torso.

She hadn't anticipated spending so much on one dress but after seeing the outfits of previous years attendees she realised the event was on a much grander scale than what she initially thought. Rocking up to the RECNY in a fucking Zara dress would be a dead give away that she didn't belong. Tonight was an occasion she had to splurge on, not knowing when she would ever have the opportunity to brush shoulders with New York's wealthiest tycoons again.

So it was to her dismay that she had put in so much effort for the last minute event only to be turned away on arrival. In a bout of frustration she groaned and spun around on her heel to try and think of a way to get inside. She had messaged Greg on LinkedIn before she left the house but he hadn't been online in hours. Unfortunately, she had no other way to contact him.

"Matilda my little strategic firecracker! Don't you scrub up well? Shiv, this is one of my new little minions in the office," Tom joked from behind her, approaching the security gate arm in arm with Siobhan Roy. He assured her he was joking about his comment once he received a pointed glare from his fiancée.

A wave of relief washed over her as she figured Tom would be able to inform the security guards about the legitimacy of her invitation. How could they possibly say no to someone who's about to marry into the family that funded the entire night? As the guard waved both Tom and Shiv through, Tilly followed after them, staring down the security guard with a cocky eyebrow raise as she passed him.

"Thankyou Tom, Greg said I could come tonight but he must have forgotten to get my name added to the guest list," she sighed, walking slightly behind them as they neared the red carpet set up for guest arrivals.

"That's because Cousin Greg is my plus one. Plus ones don't get to bring other plus ones, but because you did a good job today and you're not a walking name tag, I'll let it slide," he said jokingly.

Now that was a nickname she certainly hadn't heard when referring to Greg... Cousin. Was this an inside joke or niche reference she was on the outside of? She tried to deduct some sort of reasoning as to why Tom call him Cousin Greg. Potentially she thought, it was due to his longer than usual hair where Tom had likened him to Cousin It from The Addams Family. It definitely seemed like a plausible explanation in her mind, Tom says inappropriate things all the time.

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