2 | Remember Who's Top Dog Here

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Current Day

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Current Day

Waystar Royco in essence, was a fucking behemoth of an empire. With majority of their business divisions based out of their New York offices, the Manhattan skyscraper was a sight to behold. And how could it not with it's 47 storeys of psychopathic corporate slaves and money hungry killers? Kendall Roy, the epitome of psychopathic corporate slaves, stood in his fathers glass office on the top floor staring at the skyline of the city in which he believed he would soon rule.

Desperate his whole life to take over his fathers empire and grow the Roy family legacy to an even larger scale, Kendall had worked tirelessly for years on end. He told himself he wouldn't rest until he became CEO but even then he wouldn't stop until he was dead. He'd work from the moment he woke up to the rare moment he fell asleep, majority of his nights fuelled by cocaine and adrenaline. At one stage his estranged wife Rava had given him an ultimatum: check into a rehabilitation facility or lose visitation rights of his two children Sophie and Iverson. Reluctantly, he went to rehab. Not for Rava, not even for his children which he said was his main reason. No, no, he went to rehab to clear his name as a 'coke head' for the sake of his career.

Kendall had been in recovery for two years and despite being separated from Rava currently, he was determined to have the best of both worlds; become CEO and remain in his family's lives. Rava however, wasn't as confident in the latter.

It wasn't until his father Logan had encountered a recent stint in an Intensive Care Unit that Kendall received the news that he was not stepping up as the new CEO of Waystar which he had been led to believe. It killed him inside, knowing how power hungry his other siblings were and that his lifes greatest competition was not yet over.

Logan Roy had four children from two wives; Connor from his first marriage, and Kendall, Roman and Siobhan from his second. And without Logan officially announcing that Kendall would be his successor, the CEO spot was once again anyone's game.

With a knock at the door, Kendall's assistant Jess poked her head in and cleared her throat before speaking. She reminded Kendall that his attendance was requested downstairs on level 31 for the steering committee meeting for the parks division. He simply nodded and told her that he would be down in a few minutes.

On Level 31, below Kendall's existential crisis, was the Parks and Cruises division. Being one of the more 'fun' sectors of the business, many would assume that the employees working within it would be amongst the more 'fun' people. They'd be rudely mistaken. No matter what division of Waystar Royco you worked in, you were surrounded by likeminded villains, each with their own hidden agenda to climb the corporate ladder.

This is what Matilda truly believed of her employer. She thought that Waystar was simply a masochistic breeding ground for psychopaths. She was still relatively new to the New York office having transferred from the offices in Florida only three weeks ago, yet she knew it was by far more toxic here. Her friends and family had questioned her decision to stay with the company as long as she had, hearing the same thing in response every time:

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