Chapter- 8 I'm Fine

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Sero didn't even have to knock on the red front door, for it was wide open thanks to the ash-blonde man leaning against its frame with his arms crossed over his chest. "Ya got some 'splaining to do, Han."

"Yeah, I know," Sero murmured as he walked toward Bakugo and Lore's home.

After finding Yasushi's body, Sero called Hawks directly to tell him what had happened. Hawks had arrived a few minutes before law enforcement did, and they reported it together once Sero gave him the burner phone.

"Cellophane, how are you doing?" the older hero asked in genuine concern.

Sero stood in the bask of the blue flashing lights of the police and shrugged. "A bit freaked out, to be honest. Did you...know?"

Hawks nodded. His golden marking adorned eyes fluttered up the second-floor bedroom's illuminated window. "I've worked with Eli long before she became Lady Atrax, but even back then she had a very harsh perspective on justice."

"Harsh is a nice way to put it..." Sero mumbled thoughtfully as he scratched his neck uncomfortably. 

Keigo watched the taller raven-haired man for a moment. "Out of curiosity, did she tell you anything else about the perp?" When Sero frowned in confusion, Keigo explained, "I'm asking because this goes well past her usual debt kills- especially ones she's contracted to do from the League."

"Actually I'm the one who told her that he was one of the guys who raped one of my best friends' wife."

"Ahhhh," Keigo sighed as he rubbed his temples. "That makes more sense. Eli would do nothing short of killing the devil himself if it was for a fellow girl. She has a firm belief in protecting those she cares about, and if she feels someone has hurt a child or innocent person...well," Hawks waved to the townhome, "you see what she's willing to do."


Hawks patted Sero on his bicep sweetly. "Don't."

"Don't what?"

"Don't try and rationalize this, my friend. She isn't a hero like you- or even a jaded one like me. Lady Atrax's lack of moral boundaries is what makes her men love her as much as they do because time and time again she has put her life and soul on the line protecting them. You're more than welcome to hate her because she's a murderer. Hell, you can be like so many others and try and bring her to justice, but at the end of the day remember,"

Hawks's voice drifted out of his mind as Sero remembered, "If she cares for you, she'll go to the same lengths to keep you safe, Sero."

Lore's gentle high pitched voice punctured through his reflection. "Han, honey, are you okay?"

Sero blinked away his thoughts and gave Bakugo's wife a tight smile. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Bakugo had his two-year-old daughter bouncing on his knee happily, but he held her up and said, "Lu, can you give us some time alone?"

"Of course baby." Lore picked up Kotomi who giggled, "'Plode Mama!"

"Yes yes explosiongirl, we can play destroy the city in the backyard, you little baby godzilla."

After Lore's mane of white curls disappeared around the corner, Bakugo announced, "I've called Kiri and Kami, but I want to talk to you before they get here. What the fuck happened?"

Sero opened his lips to tell his best friend the truth, but slowly he closed it. "I...I can't tell you."

Bakugo's ruby-red eyes narrowed angrily. "Why not?"

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