Chapter 10

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*3rd person POV*

Sumire had left Yuji to fight Junpei by himself. She has faith in him that he'll be able to handle it. While she and Yuji were chasing Junpei, she sensed something on the roof of the school. She didn't know what it was but whatever it was, it was stronger than the threat Yuji was facing. 

Running faster up the stairs, Sumire finally got to the door to the rooftop. Busting it open she was greeted with a cursed spirit. He was wearing weird black clothing, had a patchwork face, and light blue hair. 

'Is this what Nanami was talking about?' 

"Oh, you found me. I'm surprised." 

"You're the one who casted the veil," Sumire spatted. 

Mahito giggled. "Smart one I see. I was wondering when I would show myself, but I guess the time shouldn't be too far from now." 

He charged at Sumire at an alarming rate. She created a shield so she could jump away and create a katana. When Mahito came in contact with my shield, his arm was turned into a spear. Sumire had to be careful, he was strong enough to shatter her shield. 

'He's fast!' 

His arm then turned back to normal and before the process could finish, she decided to attack. Sumire landed some of her attacks, however, the curse would constantly change and dodge around. 

"You're fast! Tell me, what grade are you?" Mahito said, taking out some transfigured humans. 

'Are these humans?' "I'm a grade 4 jujutsu sorcerer." 

"So, grade 4, how do you like my experiments?" Mahito asked as he watched Sumire dodge the humans. 

'These poor people. I shouldn't mess around; I have to end it quickly. I don't want them to feel any more pain than they already have.' Sumire thought, slicing one of the transfigured humans clean off. 

'Is she sure she's a grade 4? She could easily take a grade 2 curse.' Mahito thought as he was kicked by Sumire. 'Oh well, it doesn't matter if I get hurt, I just need to maintain my soul-!?' 

His thought was cut off when a horizontal slash was created near his neck and started to bleed profusely. 

'What the? Is-' "Are you aware of your soul?" 

'Aware of my soul? What is he talking about? Aren't we fighting? What's going on?' Sumire thought, looking at the curse with very confused dotted eyes. "I guess I am?" 

"Hey, let me ask you a question." 


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