Chapter two

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A little hint of Eremin to warm your hearts... I dunno if I like this chapter but if I don't I'll edit it. Also, I didn't realise this before (should have thought about this before I even considered writing this but..) there will be a major gap within the next chapter or two since Eren needs to adjust to his life style. Not everything will be accurate considering I'm not a doctor but anyway, enjoy!


Eren woke up three days later, after the crash. He rubbed his not-so-bright eyes and stared around the plain white room, his brain thumping against his skull. He wore a pale blue hospital gown with nothing on underneath, plugs were attached to his chest, the wires leading off to a machine on his left night stand. He looked to his left and saw a big window, across from him was another tower built for people's living space, plant pots lined most of the balconies, washing lines on a few and some just had nothing put out. On the few blank ones, there stood a girl holding a red balloon. She had long brown wavy hair, a red childish dress and pale skin. From the young girl being so far away Eren couldn't see much detail within her but he could see that she was waving slowly at him. As he went to lift up his frail hand to wave back, a figure burst into the room.

'Eren!' The voice yelped, soon the figure clutched onto his body, shaking and quietly sobbing. 'Eren, I thought I lost you!'

He instantly knew it was his adopted sister, Mikasa. She sobbed into his chest, her cries getting louder and louder until she realised that he wasn't hugging back. 'Eren?' She questioned, her lower lip quivered. 'Eren, you do remember me don't you?'

Her voice was so small that Eren could barely hear it. He nodded to her, his eyes wide and scared, like a deer in the head lights. 'Why aren't you saying anything?' She cried, holding his shoulders still to look at her.

Eren shrugged his shoulders, 'there's nothing to say.'

Before Mikasa could shout a nurse walked in. She had light blonde hair tied into a tight low bun, her white hat rested above it neatly. She wore a white short sleeved shirt and white dress pants with white tennis shoes. She turned her head to see Eren and Mikasa, smiling widely as she saw Eren awake.

'Oh Eren, I'm glad to see you're awake!' She greeted, walking over and pulling up a stool at the foot of his bed, grabbing the clipboard with his information on it that resided there. 'I just need to give you a quick check up and then we'll take you to our new rehabilitation centre.'

The nurses warm smile didn't seem so warm any more. In fact, as soon as those words slipped from her lips, Eren's heart started to shatter, he was becoming numb. The nurse mumbled a few things off the clip board before walking over to his heart monitor and writing down the results.

'Alright, Eren, how are you feeling? Any major pain?' The nurse asked, setting her pen in her hand ready to write. 'Any phantom pain?'

'W-what?' Eren gasped. 'I don't know what th-that is.'

'Phantom pain?' The nurse furrowed her eyebrows, but suddenly, her eyes grew wide and she asked Mikasa to move over and let her sit near him. She held Eren's hand, making him slightly uncomfortable, and sighed in a way that she was bound to tell him bad news. 'Eren, in the crash, your mother, Carla Jaeger, didn't survive. I'm so sorry.'

Eren's bottom lipped quivered uncontrollably, tears pricked at his eyes and before he knew it, he dragged the nurse into his hold and hugged her tightly. 'I'm so sorry, Eren.' She whispered, patting his brown matted hair softly. This woman didn't even know Eren Jaeger. For all she could know, Eren could have been a psychopath, trying to kill himself and his mother but somehow she knew. She knew that Eren was broken right now and that he needed help. Maybe she was the one that suggested rehab?

Mikasa sniffled, pulling Eren from his thoughts. She sat on the opposite side of the bed and clutched at Eren's sheets. 'I don't understand what phantom pain is.' Mikasa said quietly.

The nurse sat back onto her chair, wiping the small amount of tears that had come from her own eyes. She still held onto Eren's hand and smiled at him softly, sympathetically. 'Phantom pain is when you have lost a limb but your body makes it feel like that the limb is still there.' The nurse informed them slowly. 'Eren, you're very lucky that you didn't lose your whole left side. We had to amputate your leg to get you out the wreck.'

And that's when Eren fainted.


'Eren?' The words were being softly spoken, repeated within the brunette's head dozens of times. 'You have to wake up now.'

'I-I'm awake.' He answered, trying to prop himself up but his arm shook uncontrollably. 'S-sorry.'

'No Eren, don't go saying things like that. No one is to blame here.' The nurse answered. Mikasa was no longer by his side, her scarf was left in her seat though. The nurse saw Eren's gaze shift to the scarf and back again. 'She's gone to get your friend, Armin, I think he's called.'

'Y-yeah,' Eren tried to smile but his eyes hurt too much. 'He's like a brother to me.'

The nurse took Eren's hand again and stroked across the top of it. 'In a few weeks, we'll have a prostetic leg for you but for now we have this.'

The nurse stood up and carried over a "fake" leg. It was metal but had the foot on the end, it was light and came up to the knee. She handed it over to him and he inspected it with large eyes. 'How long will it take for me to walk again?' He asked, finally noticing where the blanket stopped at the end of his knee.

'You'll be able to walk within three weeks, but, that's with crutches and a lot of training.' The nurse said. 'Do you think you're up for that?'

'Well, as much as I like you, I don't want to stay here forever.' The brunnete muttered, making the blonde smile.

It wasn't long until Armin and Mikasa walked through the doors holding big bright flowers, cards and a hamper of food. They both had tear stained faces, not surprising because of the news, but they both wore a smile for Eren's sake. Armin hurtled over and buried his face into the crook of Eren's neck, he tried to cover up his crying with a chuckle but broke down even more.

'Eren, I love you so so so so much!' Armin wept loudly, grasping onto the loose clothing. 'I couldn't- I'm so glad you're here!'

'I love you too, Armin.' Eren said softly, reaching his hand up and stroking Armin's hair.

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