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We hear zombies approaching and Andy yells run! I grab a piece of the parachute and then we run. I tuck it in my pocket and Andy yells we arnt far off just a few miles away. I say that's just great! We run for a long time till we finally get there. I say I think I'm ready to go in. She says you sure? I say positive. We run in and I see all the broken buildings and the bones of the dead. I see a lonely lamp post. I say that's sad. It lights up once I say it and Andy looks. He says there's a little hope in every situation. He sighs and we walk more. I see the hospital burning and a lot of other buildings burned. I just look around. I see a few zombies and any takes them out. I say what do you thinks gonna happen? Andy says I have no idea. We get to my house and I see that there is a light in inside. I get scared thinking of what could happen then I shed a tear. I start to walk up then a stop and slowly turn the handle and opens the door.

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