Pretty Cool Tech

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After training, Wave returned to her workshop to work on her gadgets while Jet headed to the cockpit to pilot the ship. Jason followed the hawk to the cockpit first to get a better idea as to what was going on and where they were headed. As Jet grabbed hold of the steering wheel, Jason walked up to the window. They were above the clouds now, so visibility was limited.

"Where are we?" He asked.

"Above Newmarket."

"I think I see an airport down there. Are you positive they can't see us?"

"How do you think we've avoided detection for so long?"

Jason then crossed his arms. "Where we headed?"

"There were reports of a robot firing Mekka's description near the Amazon."

"The Amazon?" Jason asked, looking back at the green hawk. "Never been to the Amazon before."

"First time for everything."

"Yeah... Today's been a day for firsts."

"You might wanna get some rest. It'll be a while before we arrive."

The human nodded and left the window. "I know just who I wanna talk to."

As he past Jet, the hawk chuckled. "Careful, kid. She's a lot."

"I gathered that, but... I wasn't gonna... I just wanna know more about the tech and stuff. This ship is cool."

"Well, we stole this ship. And compared to Wave's tech, it's an antique."

"All the more reason to check it out," Jason said with a smile before he left the room.

Jet shook his head and looked out the cockpit window again. "Good luck."


After about twenty minutes of wandering around, Jason finally found stairs that led down into the lower part of the ship. It was steamy but tolerable. He found himself in a large workshop with a bunch of tech on shelves and tables. The bird he was looking for was sitting at a table off to the right. Her bandanna and white gloves were sitting on a nearby table. Currently, in their place, she wore welding goggles and gloves. It seemed she was busy welding a metallic-looking hover board.

Instead of disturbing her and causing her to make a mistake, he just looked around at the various stuff lying around. He didn't dare touch anything from fear of angering the swallow. Plus, he had no clue what anything was or did. After about a minute, he heard the welding stop. He turned to look at Wave just as she looked back at him.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

Jason shrugged. "I was just looking around. You have some pretty cool stuff here."

"You have no idea what anything does."

"Not a clue. But, that... looks an awful lot like a surfboard," he said as he pointed to what Wave was working on.

The bird looked down at what she was working on. "This?" She asked, sounding insulted. "This is waaaaaay more impressive than some surfboard."

"Really?" Jason asked as he approached her. "What's it do?"

"It is an E-Gear, short for Extreme Gear. And it takes in air and expels it out the bottom to achieve lift."

"Like a hoverboard from the movies," Jason muttered as he leaned in a little. "Can it fly?"

"Glide. It takes a lot of air to push it up and it can't fill fast enough to repeatedly propel you upwards." She then looked up to see how close the teen was. "Can you back up?"

"Huh?" Jason asked, looking at her. "Oh. My bad," he said as he stood upright. "Just wanted to see the board. Is it mainly used for transportation?"

"Mainly, yes," Wave said as she closed the compartment she was working on and turned the board upright. It had a purple rim with a silver plating on top with two circular pads where the rider's feet would go.

"That's pretty impressive."

"Well... I can't take all the credit," Wave sighed. "After all, I didn't come up with the design. I simply perfected it."

"You almost sound disappointed."

Wave pulled off her welding gloves and set them on the workbench. "I prefer creating my own devices. Not improving someone else's."

"Yeah, I get that. Creating something original is definitely more rewarding."

The purple bird pushed her chair back and stood up, making the human take a couple steps back. This close, Jason noticed that she and Jet must be about 4 or 4-and-a-half feet tall. "Come on. I need a shower and some rest. And you should probably shower after that training." She turned off her desk light and left for the stairs, grabbing her bandanna and gloves on her way.

"There's more than one bathroom?" Jason asked, making Wave stop at the bottom of the stairs and look at him.

"Of course," she said, before her eyes narrowed. "You didn't think we'd shower together, did you?"

Jason scoffed. "Of course not."

"Because that would be..."


"And illogical."

Jason raised an eyebrow at that. "Uh... Illogical?"

"Aside from it being weird because we just met, what benefit would there be? After all, I am perfectly capable of washing myself, thank you very much."

Jason just stared at her. She was clearly forgetting about something but he decided to drop it. "No, I was just wondering if it was a turn-based thing."

"Oh," Wave said as she started up the stairs. "There's four bathrooms on this ship. Two in the back and two in the front. Now, come on."

Jason followed her back up and down a couple of halls until she stopped and turned to him. "These two doors are bathrooms," she said as she motioned towards both doors opposite each other in the hallway. "And don't worry about wasting water. We have an unlimited supply." With that said, the bird immediately turned and opened the bathroom door. It slid open as Jason suddenly snapped his fingers.

"Your back."

Wave stopped in the doorway and looked over her right shoulder. "Excuse me?"

"Your back is hard to reach. Therefore, having someone with you... is logical."

Wave stared at him. "Still weird." She then entered and the door slid shut. Once it was closed, the rim light of the door turned from a blue to a red.

"That was a... a joke...." Jason sighed as he turned around. He placed his hand on the panel in the center of the door and it slid open. He then stepped inside and got ready to take his shower.

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